Chaos Attraction

Lost Mail 5

2021-10-14, 6:23 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Designing Women: The Play - 2021-10-19
Tonight I'm Getting Over You - 2021-10-18
"Strong Energy" - 2021-10-17
HAMILTON 2 - 2021-10-16
Another Baby Yoda Day - 2021-10-15


Cast list as of November 2019

In office day #2 of 3 this week.

I only had one thing to in-person mail--this total idiot who asked me for a tracking number before I mailed it, I said she has to pay for one, I won't mail it yet, let me know what you want to do. No response, and then 2 weeks later is all "did you mail it yet?" and I'm all no, remember how you told me you wanted a tracking number and then didn't get back to me for 2 weeks about paying for one, and she called it a "misunderstanding" that she did not ask for one. I get that this translates into "I don't want to pay for it, I want it for free," (which, fine by me, it's a lot less skin off my ass to not have one)* but why can't you just say so instead of implying that I'm the stupid one? I promptly copied the entire email chain about this to point out no, I'm not stupid, YOU ASKED FOR ONE STRAIGHT UP, And then, of course, had to apologize for misunderstanding that just because you flat out asked for a tracking number didn't mean you wanted one!

* Note from November 2021: guess what, it got lost in the mail and she had to reorder another one with a tracking number ANYWAY.

Next up was an idiot who paid for a tracking number 2 months ago but has yet to reorder his (lost for years) Important Document, and he CANNOT COMPREHEND, FOR MONTHS NOW, that paying for a tracking number does not equal "I paid for my fancy paper to be printed at the same time." I wrote him a long explanation of this. He promptly sent me his "I paid for tracking two months ago" again. I recopied and repasted the entire I HAVE EXPLAINED THIS TO YOU, THESE ARE NOT A PACKAGE DEAL email chain again.

Number 3 I emailed last week--her Important Document was returned here bent, I offered to replace it if she provides a valid address to send it to--and she called to complain that someone emailed her to say it was delivered, but it wasn't! DO THEY EVER READ ANYTHING?!?!

International clientele make me want to scream, cry, and stab myself in the head. Every fucking day it's like this. 50% of them are on the ball and then the other 50% are excruciatingly not comprehending much of anything/just ignore me/believe what they want to believe/email me their credit card number even though I SPELL OUT IN GREAT DETAIL WHY THEY SHOULD NOT BE DOING THIS, etc.

Though on a related note, the lost Important Documents? ALL (even the UPS ones that were totally lost) have now been shipped to other locations. ALL OF THEM. My poor boss. She called it Murphy's Law. I restrained myself from saying that St. Anthony did come through but I guess maybe I should have put a time requirement on it, and instead suggested that we use all the very expensive replacements as decoupage.

Also, the Scammy Situation continues to be in limbo. At this point we are waiting on THIS ONE GUY and his issues to be officially decided before 1500+ people can move on with their lives in this job, and the department is apparently still trying to weasel out....something to give him what he wants. My boss was finally like "I'm setting a deadline, at 8:30 tomorrow WE'RE MOVING ON and you can just deal with it and fix it later." I have unfortunately thought of a way they could weasel their way into getting what they want, i.e. begging The Gods Of Giant Org by saying "We told him we'd give him X and then uh, we found out we can't, please let him have X anyway." Sadly, there is definitely precedent for this happening over the years, and someone actually got past a hard and fast requirement that one of my old bosses said the Gods would NEVER let slide. But am I gonna suggest it? Heck no. That's their effing problem. I am not necessarily a Rules Lawyer all the time, but some rules are actually set for good reason and their trying to get around this one is just icky.

Other than that, it was a fairly eventful-ish morning followed by a dull as shit afternoon where I just spent the day tediously typing up long lists. Did I NEED to be in the office for this? Nope, I did not.

In other news, Eva friend-dumped me today. I had figured it was coming and that our online lunch Zoom friendship was going to immediately die once I had to go back to the office, but I tried asking one more time anyway and she said she's too sick to (long Covid) any more. I'm not surprised or shocked and I saw it coming back in August, but, y'know, still sucks. We work at Giant Org but in areas that don't overlap, so if we don't put in effort, we'll never talk again and there that goes. Another one bites the dust in pandemic. If there's literally any lesson I will learn from this pandemic, it's that people are easy go and I need to learn to let them go.

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