Chaos Attraction

Good Morning Baltimore

2022-11-04, 9:15 p.m.

(This is out of order, it's short, screw it.)

Work: I spent the morning dealing with mail yet again (at least almost all of the international mail is out my door + the screamy girl's too...and then our mail pickup didn't even bother to come today, the fuck?), then did emails, then was out of things to do by midafternoon. I ended up typing a letter to Cameron. I indicated at the end, vaguely, that things may not be good with me and Scott...I don't know if I should have done that or not, but I wanted to, and she won't ask me about it anyway, maybe briefly wonder and then never say anything. I just...felt like saying a bit of something, somehow.
Singing lesson: I am not doing so well on "Maybe This Time." Like at this point I think it's progressed into "teaching a pig to sing" territory with me. I think I am Just Not Getting What She's Getting At, unfortunately, like, at all. I continue to not be getting it and sounding mediocre terrible at best. She was saying stuff about the soft palate that translated to me not at all, and I'm not sure if emoting more did anything, fuck it. She said we're shelving it, and that's fine by me. Even I'm getting sick of being middling failing at that. She switched me to "Good Morning Baltimore," which I guess went less bad, at least. Sometimes I am very tired of being bad at everything that isn't reading or knitting.

Dawn and Loretta want to go to a craft fair on Sunday before rehearsal, sounds good to me.

I have discovered that the Weird Al movie is actually 100% free online and not actually involving getting a "Roku Channel." It's like Walk Hard but Even Harder. I wish I liked it more...I thought I was going to...but I dunno, it's parodying things that have already been parodied and that's usuall

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