Chaos Attraction

The Sound Of Ominous Timeliness

2016-11-12, 10:14 p.m.

So I went to go see The Sound of Music today with Mom and cousin Bill.

I'd like to quote the general manager in the program:

"Our shows are sometimes booked years in advance, so we knew many months ago that SOUND OF MUSIC was coming Election Week 2016. Who knew then that we would find ourselves embroiled in a presidential election so nasty that social media is buzzing about people fleeing to Canada if the wrong candidate prevails? The perfect time for a musical about a family leaving their native Austria to seek political asylum in the United States, I think."

Also..."In early January--right before we inaugurate a new president--we present ANNIE, the story of an orphan girl's optimism inspiring the politics of a newly-elected President."Clearly written before the election. She did not have any tie-ins for Kinky Boots in January, though there might be some super unfortunate ones that come to mind after the inauguration.

I had not seen the stage musical of TSOM before, and while my mom choked a bit on the things were different (why is Maria singing "My Favorite Things" with Mother Superior instead of kids? Why are they singing "The Lonely Goatherd" in a storm instead of “My Favorite Things?”), I did like how it had a few more details about the Nazis slowly encroaching and Georg's irritation on the topic. He and Elsa break up because he wants to resist and she and Max don't think there is anything they can do but go along with it (there's even a song called "No Way To Stop It").

So yeah...this is a fun topic to breach at the end of 2016.

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