Chaos Attraction

Freezing First Of May

2023-05-01, 3:38 p.m.

Work: in office day, really didn't need to be in the office, spent the day finishing one boring list and then getting another list. I had to tell a work contact "you're not allowed to just send me those lists any more because I fucked up so bad," and she was very nice about it. Much nicer than people here would be. I had to do another front counter shift and um...I guess did it with the wrong person? I sat with the one girl who seemed to be expecting me and then uh, she signed a different name on emails...? (Look, I know people from online chat, not IRL very much.)

I did not end up having to deal with murder #2 at work today, I guess they haven't officially gotten the death certificate yet because that's when the drama starts happening here. The deaths did get brought up a lot at work, I took a meditation class at once and it came up there, and supposedly SafeRide is going to start offering more rides (well, finally, they were useless when I was in school). Meanwhile, Mom is somehow on Dr. Andy's wife's mailing list (?????) and I guess she posted something cryptic on it and Mom was all, did something happen?" and I was all oh dear god, I don't want to be the one to tell her. Of course, Evan has already emailed Roger about it, so now Mom gets to flip out indefinitely.

The rumor mill on the serial killer is that the guy arrested with a knife the other day just happened to have a knife and was a criminal, but presumably not the serial killer....argggggh.

Anyway, fuck that, on to TnT2 rehearsal. I note that despite it being the first of May and outdoor fucking is supposed to start today, it was chilly and in the 50's. (Did wear my new sweater I just finished, though.) I walked over to Denise's and I saw Lucas--note: this is a guy I know from the CC, he perpetually wears nothing but a T-shirt and shorts and no shoes, and lives on her block--ACTUALLY WEARING LONG SLEEVES AND PANTS AND SHOES. I about died, then mentioned it to Denise, who felt same. How the hell is it 90-something two days ago and then 50's and crappy? In May?! Fucking global warming.

And despite the weather reports saying it's supposed to rain on Tuesday, halfway through rehearsal IT STARTED ABSOLUTELY FUCKING POURING. (Linda was all, never mind trying to do dress rehearsal tomorrow with that.) We were under a tent so that part was fine, but the rain kept leaking in and getting the Port-A-Floor (yes, really) wet in places. Suffice it to say I'm glad it waited to start pouring until after the dance numbers, but that could have gotten injurious and had real people falls rather than fake falls.

I would like to point to this article on how come we have all this technology and CANNOT PREDICT WHEN IT'S GOING TO RAIN? I literally loaded Accuweather and it said "rain in 4 minutes" while it was already pouring.

Ticket sales: 55 for Friday, 55 for Saturday, "less" on Sunday. So much for "the tickets will be gone once they hit the mailing list." Denise ran into Dr. Andy and he offered if she wanted to talk about the show on his radio show said she's not sure how the show's going enough to want to promote it, but we pointed out that it'll (probably) come together, so.... after tonight she said she'd do it. We'll see, I guess.

Jean auditioned for Sweeney Todd, said 30+ people ("heavy hitters" from Woodland and Sac) were there last night and tonight got 20something, so...big cast. She may or may not get a callback for Mrs. Lovett, but said she'd do ensemble. I still don't get why everyone loves this show so much, but I won't be in it, so the argument is over. And yes, they are starting the show Sunday night, so nobody will be coming to mine...figures, of course.

Back to rehearsal talk: we started from the end of the wedding ceremony and got as far as the cake cutting---it was supposed to go till 10, but Linda let us out early for rain, thank god, I got home by 9:30 (after everyone insisted I not walk a block home in the dark by now). It feels like it's pretty well coming together. Only had one absence of Maddy/Ana (flying home, Greg said), so ahem, we had Mark filling in as the stripper on the table. I took photographs of this, as well as photographs of Robert/Michael dancing cheek to cheek with Greg/Nunzio.

Per Linda, the "king" (i.e. owner of GR), they have no pink tablecloths. Destiny: "What's the point any more?" Manny: "Just call the whole thing off."

There is also an ATM that is rooted/dug into the ground behind us. Several of us suggested decorating it, Manny suggested putting in a condom dispenser, Mark fake-peed at it.

Quotes and notes:

"You can't be spicy with the pope around." -Marina

I saw Mark doing the TnT wedding dance from his chair as Manny was still trying to remember what it is.

Linda said that Rodney and I were supposed to dance to "La Bamba." Um, okay, but that is not what you were playing... presumably that is the lambada. We just dirty danced for this, then there were complaints that this was too long :P

During Vinnie's comedy stylings on marriage: "I just got the worst image of them having sex." -Johnny

Most people brought cookies as snacks, Manny brought Gummy worms, which we used to amuse ourselves (throwing, dirty food eating, etc). Johnny on this: "Tony's a bad person. But I do approve his decision making skills." Rodney made jokes that Destiny would start vomiting worms.

Linda on the script: "You're ahead!" Rodney: "We're in the gifted group, that's why!"

Sal to me: "Hey, Donna, you're kind of a strumpet."

Saw Linda flirt with Vinnie tonight and that was....certainly something. I admit I feel a bit ick doing that on an older married man, but it's for business, right? :P

I don't know why Heidi was "sick" yesterday, but today she seemed fine, except for a big ol' bandage on her finger. "A horse bit it."

Mark/Lui jumped in to dance the tarantella tonight, then did another fall for fun. Jean yelled, "Lui's dead!" Mark on this: "He died doing what he loved."

Marina and I were discussing the guys body slamming into each other and possibly cartwheeling. Me: "When they're drunk they got MORE coordination." Marina: "No repercussions at all."

Marina did an excellent job of wanting to do shots, being told not to do shots, and sneaking a shot anyway. Me: "Hey, you got two months till you turn 21!"

As the rain started pouring, William went out and did the Shawshank Redemption. Mark, of course, fake peed in it.

Tonight, Rodney, Denise and Destiny basically had a three way orgy on the dance floor. I totally messed up the lyrics watching this, GOOD LORD. I apologized to Debi because she thinks I don't know them, and I'm all I SWEAR I KNOW THEM EXCEPT I'M DISTRACTED BY THIS ORGY IN FRONT OF ME!!!! She wanted to practice afterward, and I did too, except I had three people in the car already and it was fucking pouring and ethically, I could not. Robert also wanted me to cue him as to when to cut in line a third time and I was all, honestly, I'm so distracted by the orgy, I cannot do this (also I'm gonna get cut off no matter what, so...sigh), Debi said she'd tell Emily to give him a nod, if he can look over.

In the script, Tina starts trying to literally get into Tony's pants. Linda is not too thrilled at this. Manny is all, "what's my motivation for not having her down my pants?" Me: "You don't want to fuck in front of your dad." (Someone else suggested "Or Grandma.") I didn't see this, but I'm told by Rodney that "Linda gave you the death glare for that." I swear I wasn't even trying to be loud!!!

Later, Rodney and William started st ripping.

Grandma Nunzio caught the bouquet.

Rodney yelled, "I see London, I see France" during the garter scene.

Rodney: "This is the most fun I've ever had in rehearsal." Bridget: "Until we do it four more times."

Linda on the weather: "On Wednesday, we will have rehearsal, hell or high water...."

Everyone in the carpool on Mark afterwards: Gail: "He's even a good stripper." Jean: "He didn't exactly hesitate."

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