Chaos Attraction

He's Been Caught

2023-05-04, 3:46 p.m.

THE SERIAL KILLER HAS BEEN CAUGHT!!!! They didn't say all that much about him in the press conference--apparently people Googling got more info than that--but yeah, about what I would have guessed in a certain demographic in this town. And since this stuff came up at my job, fun times. Well, they're pretty sure he did them all, so the nightmare is now over. WHEW. Dude was wandering around in the same clothes, with a big ol' knife in his backpack, hanging out at the scene of the crime and acting weird, and a lot of people spotted him and one straight up pursued him. Sounds like he went quietly and confessed to at least one, so they are pretty sure he did all three and this is all over. The press conference was more "I'd like to thank the Academy and everyone involved in this" than giving details, and clearly Google was happening with all the articles that came out afterwards.

Back to normal....

Winters has now announced auditions for Much Ado in two weeks. Mid-May? That's early for them. I think I'm going to do it instead of Something Rotten. The director isn't insane, it's my favorite Shakespeare even if I end up playing...god knows who... (well, whoever I get, probably some random soldier or whoever, at least it has a name for my theater resume instead of just "ensemble") and it avoids Scott. Plusses all around. I'm sorry to miss Something Rotten because I would have liked to have done a show DMTC hasn't done a bunch of times before, but....well. (And that'll duck Scott for a good long time because he won't do 3 shows in a row, so no running into him if I do Oklahoma.)

Work: So the Gods of the Giant Org have made their verdict and I'm totally confused. On the one hand they said "sure, send us lists early of early graduates, we'll approve it," BUT also said that it's up to the CEO of GiantOrg to change the dates. Um.... the latter part would make sense, but why send early lists if they can't be changed, then? I asked management to clarify this and they have ignored me, other than to say, "yes, we do nothing." SIGH.

TnT2 rehearsal: I note I wanked on to Denise in the back of the car (Jean and Gail were talking about something else and not noticing) about a certain friend I'm estranged from and I don't know what to do about it, hopefully we talk about it later.

Rehearsal went well. The cornholers were there but had no interest in the wedding shenanigans. The only others watching were Nancy's son and Rodney's SO (yeah, felt a little weird at that).

Tom told his wife that the bridesmaids were cold and she loaned us two black shawls, and god bless her for that one. That really helped (plus can be dramatically flaunted on the dance floor, which I certainly did).. He took our picture later.

Linda told us all that That 70's Scott (previous Vinnie) called her up and hemmed and hawed about going, before finally saying he was coming. Ed: "I'm not working out? I'm keeping the tie!" That 70's Scott said he'd heckle. I bet he will. THAT SHOULD BE INTERESTING.

Robert suggested we all do a slow clap after Tony's speech at the end. There was also debate as to whether or not anyone claps during the wedding ceremony (Tom was all, shouldn't be because it's in a church...except it's not, because we're the church...etc.). Finally he said, "in this case, I'm giving a dispensation."

Since we literally have no backstage, Linda said it was fine for us to wander around in character before the show. Brian: "And play some cornhole."

There was a lot of spillage tonight in various places. First kicking off with, "My name is Joey Vitale, and I just caused a spill." And Marina saying, "the boys need a sippy cup."

The olives were deemed Not Tasting Very Good--I was the only one who could stomach them and even I thought the insides of them tasted a little off-- and at one point Marina was trying to catch an olive and dropped it on the floor...and then Mark/Lui ATE IT OFF THE FLOOR.

After Dominic brags about us in bed, Father Mark told me I need to go to confession. Me: "He already confessed for me!"

Dominic: "I've been thinking-" Rose: "A first!"

I danced with Mark/Lui tonight, he called me "Madonna." I certainly went with that.

People yelled at Nunzio to use the mic. ""I'm using the mic, dammt. Speaking of Mikey, get out of here!"

The oldsters used their canes as guitars, briefly.

Marina, spotting Dominic hitting his own flask: "Oh, I didn't know you drank piss."

Mark has Uncle Lui come out of the bathroom with toilet paper. He "BYOTP" just in case.

I'm told a little girl watching the show said this was the best play ever. Awwwww.

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