Chaos Attraction

Nobody's Died Today Yet

2023-05-03, 3:44 p.m.

Fun fact: our local subreddit has turned to people posting pictures of their cats (and one bunny) for distraction. I did see that two big events involving a bunch of noobs coming to town got canceled this weekend, saying that they did not feel it was appropriate to have large events right now. Which is making me wonder if Whole Earth will get canceled? Like it's a daytime event anyway except for whatever concerts go on at night (I leave so don't ask me). I presume the latter would get canceled anyway, but will it be the whole thing?

Mom asked how things were today. Me: "well, nobody's died today yet." You know what? I don't want people to ask how I am. I'm tired of claiming I'm ok. I am not. I am technically alive, uninjured, not sick, so "okay" on those standards. But otherwise, NO I AM NOT OKAY, but I have to keep pretending at work, at the very least. Oh, and somebody told me they thought they spotted the serial killer, took a bad pic, and went to the police. Well, good luck with that.

I debated calling out sick for part of the day, but...I dunno, I'm not seeing the point at this point. I'm going to feel like shit no matter what, and I'm at home so I don't have to be Faking Okay so much. Then I got myself in trouble anyway.... I had to email some people saying "Um, what you are asking for can't be done for 1.5 months, just so you know" and I explained over and over again why this was an issue, and it looks like they're gonna ignore it anyway (greaaaaaat). And then it occurred to the Gods of the Giant Org analyst "hey, wouldn't what you are saying be a problem with something else?" and I said yes, I think it would be, as far as I know (Giant National Org) has problems with doing that stuff early, I would suggest you ask tech support about it, and then NewBoss ....sigh. I can't even finish this. I hope she forgets about it, since I am "forgetting" to send the other email about it.

Meanwhile, we were told by another office to refuse someone something today and now he is visiting in person and constantly calling and emailing and harassing people. I'm told OldBoss personally walked him over to The Office That Said No to talk it out with them. Presumably they still said no, as he's harassing us anyway. GREAT, WE NEEDED A STALKER RIGHT NOW. GOD I HATE PEOPLE. We finished off the day with an impromptu "how to deal with stalkers" meeting.

I did catch listening to Denise on Dr. Andy's radio show. She did great! Very good plugs. I recorded it and played it for everyone at the end of the night.

They have detained someone "of interest" today. Fingers crossed.

First dress rehearsal today. I have on black tights with the hot pink fishnets over them (padded tights because it is in the 60's). Hope that works for Linda. Alas, the hot pink bra sticks out way too much over the top, but too late now to order another one. I pinned it and hoped for the best. No makeup/hair because see above and the impromptu "how to deal with stalkers" meeting.

Most of us were dressed, except for William (suit's at the cleaners) and the bride and groom, so they don't mess up the clothes. There was some commentary about people falling down and will that mess up THEIR clothes, see below.

We made it through the entire show! I am happy to report that other than needing to have on my fake fur coat most of the night, I wasn't totally dying on my legs since I had padded black tights. Huzzah.

A black cat--there are a few that hang around Green River--WALKED THROUGH THE CEREMONY TODAY. God, I wish we could get that to happen every night.

Mark brought a kazoo and put it to good use tonight, especially blowing it during "I Wanna Be Sedated" and "Close To You."

Quotes and notes:

I told Gail about the class I took that I called "Whores and Rapists." She told me about a sociology of deviants class she took, nicknamed "Nuts and Sluts." Even better.

Linda on the end: Tony is "shaming you all for your horrible behavior."

Jean has now found a picture of her poor dead husband Vito, which is...Joe Manganiello. "I spent all after noon Googling hot men in suits." Also: "We don't talk about Vito."

Ana: "Can we take a pause for the cause and check out Nunzio's pants?"

Me on trying to catch Tina when she's falling during the last fight by having someone whip out a chair: "Bowling for butts." Rodney: "I gotta throw her and catch him, I can do it all." William: "Just throw her any way you want to."

William claimed he only pays attention to what his character does. Me too (I note this time I'm aware of the food fight, but not Michael during the dollar dance, I'm concentrating elsewhere.)

Linda: "You're just too funny and you keep cracking jokes, and we never get anything done!"

William after razzing Rodney for wearing charcoal pants and a black jacket: "Not everybody has the same fashion sense that I do." Also, while wearing his schulubby work sweatshirt: "I have my best outfit!"

Linda: "We don't want spinning happening."

(William breaks out a big sausage) Me: "You have a big sausage!" William: "I like a lot of meat in my mouth."

Me to Greg: "You! Stripper guy!" Greg perked up mightily.

Linda: "I'm just going to skip the insults. No fatass."

Heidi said the whole thing about how a bad dress rehearsal means a good performance. Me: "Well, we've had plenty of those." Heidi: "So we should have a really bad one tomorrow."

Johnny re: Dominic: "I'll try to keep him in line, but it is difficult."

Marina on Dominic: "This creep has a good heart!"

While dancing together (in character) Johnny and I had a conversation about how often Dom and I fight. I mention this happening most days of the week. He said "you missed a night." We posited it was Taco Tuesday, then he was all, "nah, last time I was over you fought during that."

On everyone's expectations of TnT's marriage: Johnny: "I give it a year." Marina: "I give it this wedding." Johnny: "I give it an annulment."

Tony to Tina: "If he asks you to work at the Animal Kingdom, say no."

Father Mark glared at me after Dominic was talking about him and me in bed. I blew it off, as you do.

As the blessing of the pope is going on, Johnny: "Gary Pope? I know him, he works at the auto body shop." He also misheard the blessing of the food as "the blessing of the poop," which frankly sounded like that.

As Loretta talks about putting in her special ingredient of love, Johnny: "I put love in a dish once. Disgusting."

Marina: "Mrs. V needs more olives." (Tina claims in the script it makes her horny.)

Tina and Joey were dancing with the picture of dead Vito. Me: "It's a threesome with her dead father. Words I never thought I'd say."

Rodney: "I blame the priest." Linda: "What was that snide comment?"

Linda asked if Nancy could fall forward instead. Nancy: "NO." William promptly demonstrated why not to do that.

Linda: "Our Vinnie last year didn't get exhausted. I wonder why." Mark: "COCAINE." Ed: "I picked the wrong day to give up cocaine."

Heidi and Mark started flipping each other off.

Linda: "Father, what are you doing when all this crazy dancing is going on?" Robert: "WHICH crazy dancing?!" (Good point.)

Manny: "Can you use a spaghetti with red sauce because we're all wearing white?"

Linda: "You wanna practice having cake on your face?" Denise: "I kinda do!" Linda: "We'll bring cupcakes."

On having tissues in your boobs: Mark volunteered to do the same. Heidi suggested we all do it.

Good job, everybody!

No cop sightings tonight anywhere.

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