Chaos Attraction

Raaaaaain On Your Wedding Day

2023-05-05, 3:48 p.m.

Been up since 2: 45 a.m. after I peed. Meanwhile, Steve was up wanting to know who our pianist was. He must be running out again. Can't be arsed to go to the show, but wants to poach the pianist, I guess.
Scott and the rest of the Avenue Q cast are posting about how happy they are and how this has been one of the best experiences/casts of their lives. I'm so jealous I can't even tell you and it makes me want to cry. On a related note, Sweeney Todd cast list came out. Sofia got Mrs. Lovett, Kat got Johanna, Hugo got Anthony, Isaiah got Beadle, Joel from Camelot got Turpin, Scott got Pirelli, pretty much everyone else is in ensemble. Well, good for them. Morgan, shotgunning, didn't get in, which she's probably fine with if she didn't get Mrs. Lovett.

Went to get a shot this morning. No masks! I refused to take mine off to get my picture taken. Otherwise, fine. Dull, quiet day, just waiting for the time to leave. The serial killer went to court today: two counts of murder, one attempted, he pled not guilty (yeah, right), was denied bail, that was 10 minutes of watching on the Internet, total.

I took two hours off from work to bling up (probably needed less than an hour for that after I was done, but I didn't know how long the nails would go) and to glue on my nails, which actually stuck really well and weren't hard to put on at all. I look amazing. I look very 80's. My hair came out great, my nails came out great, the eyelashes are on great, I feel very hot right now. (Hopefully.) I wish someone could appreciate me like that. Well, Rodney will in character, anyway (he does seem to like my outfits in my own clothes as well, so that's nice).

Last night's show: started sprinkling pre-show and started raining buckets and kept on all night long once it started. I kept saying, "we need to take a cast photo NOW BEFORE IT RAINS," which eventually happened. It went very well despite the rain and cold and one other thing (see below).

Guests in attendance:

* Cameron and Valentin from the previous TnT. Cameron was pleased to be there and clearly enjoyed herself. She did say, "I have to text Scott about his opening night," and I said nothing and felt like crap. (I'm feeling more and more bothered by keeping his shite behavior a secret from people, even if it's more politic...but....well, you know.)

* Valentin was pretty quiet and was brought up to the front to sit by her.

* Stephanie and Vicki from karaoke

* Destiny's mom and her chihuahua, Precious, in a blankie. PEOPLE BROUGHT DOGS!!!! Love it. Her mom looks just like her.

* Someone else brought an adorable little white doggie.

* There are (at least) 2 black cats who hang around GR, usually hanging around the front door but sometimes down below. One of them proceeded to hang out and wander through the show throughout the night. I asked it to and it actually did! I love the omen at this show, hahahahah.

* Denise's water aerobics buddies came, and actually DID bring giant pool noodles, which they waved in the air during appropriate moments. We found this delightful.

Issues during the show:

The main one (other than pouring rain and water getting in on the floor edges again, someone said it was like Uncle Lui peed out there) was that to our total surprise, people started lining up to eat right after the wedding ceremony when they are not supposed to, as we do some acts/dancing/schtick before that happens. Most of that (including the lambada) pretty much had to be cut in that moment because there were too many people taking up the space in line and/or they wouldn't be able to hear such schtick.

They did not allow us to eat anything but noodles (and now we're told don't even get bread? ffs, they need that for the food fight) until the show was over, citing "paying guests" re: the meat and "you don't have time to eat anyway." Suffice it to say we did have time to eat and the cast was a bit annoyed about that. I think I plan on grabbing more food later anyway, or at least another helping of noodles. Manny grabbed tri-tip (you could hear the servers going, "well, he's the groom...") and then immediately putting the lid on the meat when we came by. I'm told they also ran out of cake very quickly. I was busy during that and then forgot about it, but still.

Also I think the bridal table (it's moved in after the ceremony is done) was put too close to the tinsel-decorated ATM, because the tinsel was pretty much ripped off by the middle of the night. Probably from wedding dress moving in and out.

Dollars were all over the floor after the dollar dance and spills somewhat happened.

I didn't get to write down diddly-shit really, but here's what I got:

* Heidi ended up redoing her nails from silver sparkle to pearlescent "with pink in it to match the dresses." Good job!

* I note that the rest of us are all wearing a ton of makeup, very pink...and Heidi is pretty much barefaced. Hmmmm.

* William talked about waxing his whole body to play the bearded lady.

* Rodney was compared to a Barbie.

* We found out after the show (I note that yes, Tina did like, full on pull down Manny's pants, he looked like he had long johns under there...which, it was cold, he might have) that Manny has "boxers with hearts and teddy bears doing the Kama Sutra" on them from Heidi. "I should wear those."

* Jean put in a new anonymous hottie into her Vito picture frame after she found out that the previous hottie "is already married."

* I did hear Maddy talking to someone saying, "I recognize you from the club!" (Which is to say, strip club).

* Mark did provide business cards for Nunzio and Dominic. Unclear if those guys handed any out or what this time, but I saw small piles.

* Gail was provided a working digital camera with large flash (she's been using an old one that uses film, with no film in it, and then the flash piece broke a few days ago), so we'll have actual pics of the night. Huzzah.

* My wedding speech went VERY well and got a lot of laughs, along with "Is that REALLY in the Bible?" Me: "Most of it, it's paraphrased a bit, I did look it up...."

We finished around 9, then the cast had dinner and discussed the serial killer situation, then we went home, trying not to get costumes and shoes drenched.

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