Chaos Attraction

Staff Picnic

2023-05-10, 3:58 p.m.

It's Mom's birthday, I texted her early in the morning and still haven't heard back yet :P She may be Busy, hubba hubba? ;) (Let's hope, anyway)

Today was the big staff picnic day. I didn't see any of my coworkers upon arriving, so I ate by myself and then spent the rest of the time acquiring free stuff and reading while in line. That was fun. The weather was nice, the food was good. I spotted James from DMTC and Jim from Winters and that's about it for people I saw!

We also got most of Quarterly Project done today, the rest of it should be done by the end of the week. Otherwise quiet at work, thank gawd.

Ashley's back from the ER, long story short, that trip was pretty pointless other than she got "my heart is doing weird shit" on official medical records and then left against medical advice since there was some accident and they had no beds anyway. Went over to Ashley's tonight, she was very happy that she guessed tonight's Masked Singers were Pentatonix.

Can someone explain to me how two nails fell off while in the house and now I can't find them in the house? They really should be IN THE HOUSE, right? I dug through several bags and they aren't there or on the floor.

God, I have nothing to say with no rehearsal. Oh, Jean's going to the show by herself this Friday, so oh well on that one.

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