Chaos Attraction

Running Around Worrying

2002-02-012, 8:33 p.m.

I meant to get around to writing a journal entry yesterday, but um, I got distracted and stuff. ;) Then today I've just spent over two and a half hours reading my damn e-mail, as one of my mailing lists went insane. One Swedish moron decided to insult the US, whine about our inhumane prisons and claim that losing a parent "isn't all that traumatic", and continued to spout this crap after everyone yelled at him. Joy. I miss having the time to check my e-mail during the day so I wouldn't drown under it all.

I got an e-mail back from Christine, which pretty much avoided the whole Big C thing and asked what was up with me. So we've been gossiping about jobs (she applied for one out of town) and boys and stuff like that instead. It's entertaining. Did not hear back from Shawn though. I wouldn't really know what to say to that either. I still feel like a sleazebucket- and in fact, I am one.

As you could probably guess, I ended up on the phone with Dave all night again. Woo hoo! (Though it might behoove me to go ahead and take my nighttime shower- I do them when I'm actually awake, as opposed to mornings when it's frigid- early instead of waiting around for him to call and then three hours later we realize it's nearing midnight.) It was a frigging hilarious conversation, involving dirty jokes and a bunch of stories about his misspent youth. I about died laughing, especially at this one story involving a reindeer puppet with a baseball bat up its hole. Note to self: if I ever bring him into my bedroom at my parents' house, hide any and all puppets I may own. I asked him if he'd ever been to Puppets on the Pier (I think that's the title?) at Pier 39 in SF, and he said no. I said "Good!" I also came up with a bad insight about one of his dirty jokes that has now tainted it forever in his mind. I love moments like that.

Still feeling a bit nervous about meeting the friends and family. They are so chomping at the bit to meet me that they were yelling at him for not taking pictures of me over the weekend. (Neither of us are good with cameras. And hell, it's not like I wasn't gonna show up there in person!) So chomping at the bit that they plan to stake out his house on Friday night, and one of them has offered to pick me up from the train station.

It's amazing how little time I feel like I have once I get home these days. I spend a few hours online, maybe watch a little TV or hang out with Hill, perhaps eat (my cooking is so unappetizing to me I'm preferring to go hungry these days), talk on the phone, maybe do one other thing and the day's over. Yugha. I'm not even watching Buffy tonight because I was playing Scrabble, plus I want to get this entry done before he calls and/or Hill goes offline. I'd like to do an entry on some articles I found the other week, but doubt I'll even get to it.

I have been going around trying to figure out what to get him for VD, which has been mildly frustrating. I just don't see any "romantic" presents that I'd actually want to get him. It's all tacky red teddy bears and nasty-ass candy and way too many candles out there. I finally gave up on the romantic thing and bought him a book he'd wanted the other day and a bunch of silly buttons, as he collects those. They say "Never underestimate the power of a sick mind," "Obviously my inner child is pretty much in charge of things here," "I'm out of my mind at this time but go ahead and leave a message," and (given the last conversation we had) "What am I, flypaper for freaks?" I also got myself "The nuns made me dress like this," which might be fun for the weekend or the vampire game or something. I still probably should go get a card or something, huh? Slim pickins two days before the day, though. Ugh. And do I have to get wrapping when it'll probably get ripped on the train and bus along the way? I also bought my tickets for the trip this weekend.

Between running around worrying about the trip arrangements, present arrangements, and trying to get my damn W2 form (which apparently got lost in the mail to my house), it's all busy 'round here.

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