Chaos Attraction


2002-02-28, 1:44 p.m.

I'm sick.

Sick sick sick.

I am normally an extremely healthy person. I don't usually get what's going around, I have a sound constitution, etc. But this is the sickest I've EVER been, folks. This is worse than when I had laryngitis and pinkeye at once (you shoulda heard me croaking into my boss's voice mail "Um, I have laryngitis and pinkeye, so um, I guess I'd better not come in today?").

It all officially started Tuesday, when I started doing some innocent, random coughs while at work. My coworker had been working half days for the last couple of days because her kid is "so sick he can't move", and has been sick since we started this job. She's been sick most of this time, but on a very minor level. She wondered if I'd caught something and I said "Oh, I'm sure I'm fine, it's just a random little cough, I probably just swallowed wrong or something." All day at work I'd been bouncy and stircrazy, but when I came home I was suddenly SO tired. So very, very tired. My roommate wanted to go to the grocery store, but I turned her down (not something I normally do) because I was too tired to put on shoes and go. I have been kicking myself for that ever since. Oh, and my back started to be sore for no good reason. I talked to Dave that night and said "Um, I think I'm sick," and apparently he'd gotten it too. Ugh. Though I'll admit selfishly that I was glad I didn't have to worry about avoiding him to infect him or anything :P

I didn't sleep At All that night. I thrashed around in bed. I was constantly too hot or too cold, which alternated every five minutes. I was sleepy, yet could not sleep. I just laid around staring at the walls. When I had to get up, I was kinda staggering around a lot and was seriously considering calling in sick. But "no, I can't pass up the money for being sick," so I managed somehow to get myself dressed and out the door, even though standing wasn't so fun, especially on the bus. I thought I was going to puke once I got off the bus, but I managed to keep walking, so I thought I was doing well and headed into work instead of catching the next bus home.

I've had it ingrained into me from high school that you Do Not Call In Sick, Ever Ever Ever. Mom is a stickler for perfect attendance, and I don't think she's ever taken a personal sick day in her life. (All of her sick days go towards Dad's sick days.) Only if you can't get out of bed can you call in sick, and even then, you should really be going to work. Since I'd managed to get out of bed, I figured I was doing all right. However, people kept making comments to me like "Shouldn't you be home right now?" I was kinda in a fog during the morning, but managed to type in the easier transcripts without too much trouble. However, when I decided to use my break time for a nice nap, my coworker said she was taking me home.

I spent the rest of the day once again lying in bed and staring into space, in between coughing, wincing at the soreness of my throat and scratching bug bites (I woke up with about fifty of them. Lovely timing, huh?), and seriously wondering how I'd EVER manage to hike to the drugstore (about 20-30 minute walk) or the natural foods store (15 minute walk in the opposite direction) to pick up medication for myself, since annoyingly I am almost out of everything I use for sore throats. And any time I actually tried to sleep, one of Hill's family members would keep on calling for her. Now her brother thinks I'm "mean." Hey, I can't help that my voice sounds like shit!

Dave is now totally freaking out at how bad I sound, and was castigating himself for not getting a car last year (didn't need one at the time) because he wished he could drive down to take care of me Right Now. That was SO sweet. I somehow can't picture any of my other exes having feelings like that. It was like "Oh, right, THIS is why long-distance sucks- nobody to baby you when you're sick." Not that anyone's babied me when I was sick in a very long time, but I could so use it. I wish we were together right now so I could get coddled and taken care of and not so bloody alone with this. (For the record, he's doing fine and isn't nearly as sick as I am. Which is a good thing, since him getting sick days just isn't gonna happen.) We ended up on the phone with me saying very little (my throat wasn't happy with me and felt like it had a knife stuck in it) and him talking about various things to entertain me. I ended up finding out that the guy who owns the game store that the vampire game is played at is closing it down and there won't be any more games there, so the game is over unless they find some other suitable location. Dave and Scott and Jeremy have been talking about owning their own game store for awhile now (and they really should do it- that would be cool) and are thinking about doing so after that one goes out of business. However, Scott and Jeremy don't have the bucks, so who knows.

I don't know if I'm going to see him this weekend or not. He's got to work all day Saturday and S&D's car is in the shop, so no hope of anyone getting a ride over. He said "If you're still feeling this bad or worse by tomorrow afternoon, you're not coming." That's so sweet.

It reminded me of back in the last relationship when my ex got badly sick on a Friday when he was supposed to be visiting the other girlfriend (yup, that was the poly relationship). Very hot, feverish, lying around and moaning type stuff. He decided on Friday to not go see her, but she kept nagging him to come down and visit her anyway so she could nursemaid him. I remember being very annoyed with her at the time because HELLO, HE'S SICK! and you want him to ride on a train for three hours? He ended up going anyway. I never said anything to either of them about it, but it bugged me she was so desperate to see him that she made him do that. And I am appreciating muchly that Dave DOESN'T pull that shit.

Well, I'm not feeling as bad today as I did yesterday- I actually managed to sleep a bit, get dressed and walk over to the natural foods store to get some friar's balsam (HIGHLY recommended for throat issues. Miracle stuff) and zinc lozenges, and even get to reading my e-mail and typing this entry, so I am doing better. Still kinda resting in bed at different intervals though. I guess we'll discuss that tonight if he can get ahold of me (his cell got shut down while we were talking because his brother, who he got a cell for too, has been racking up the bills and not paying them. Lovely.). I'm hoping I can go, because I'd rather lie around sick with company. Besides, it's not all that hard to just sit on a bus and train for two and a half hours, is it?

I hope it's not, anyway.

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