Chaos Attraction


2002-03-01, 12:30 p.m.

Well, I'm doing better, or at least I could handle walking around Wal-Mart for a half hour picking up vatfuls of cold medication yesterday before starting to feel woozy. And while my voice was off-and-on hideous yesterday, it seems to be improving. Maybe it's the zinc? Other than the annoying coughing, which has become more prevalent than the knife-in-the-throat thing (it's not hurting all that much), the main issue bugging me is the lethargy. Seriously, it's taking me 45 minutes to do ANYTHING this morning (hence why I'm still on a sick day). I'm amazed I managed to answer the damn phone yet again (Hill's brother again) at 8 a.m., even if I wasn't real coherent while ON the phone. Yikes. Thinking is kinda slow, still. Yikes. And my legs hurt for no good reason. This may be a problem later.

Yes, I'll be going to the boy's for the weekend. I may not be able to concentrate on work without fogging out still, but I figure being in a fog for most of the bus/train trip shouldn't be a problem. Besides, I need coddling. Though now I'm feeling kinda worried because last night he said his mom said that if I was stuck home all by myself when he was at work tomorrow (i.e. assuming I don't go off with people) she'd like it if I visited her- oh, and she'd "put me to work" on helping her pack or something. This normally wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't sick, but I'm not sure how up to stuff I'm gonna be. (I was planning on lying around in a fog all day. Pretty much all weekend, really.) I told him I didn't want to go giving the cold to her either, and he said she's already sickly and it doesn't matter. (Huh? I'm afraid to ask.) Maybe I'm just in a haze (entirely likely) and was missing details here or something, but it was all very strange. I do know he wants to me to go hang out with his mom and grandmother though so they'll like me and want to have me over, so I guess I'll have to. Even if I end up completely coughing all over her or something. Unfortunately, I'm not much up to being impressive this week.

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