Chaos Attraction

I Can't Believe These People!

2002-03-03, 7:45 p.m.

(The first four paragraphs were written on the train.)

It is so much better being sick with someone than lying around in bed by yourself hacking and feeling like crap and wanting to cry. Not that said other person can do a whole lot but comfort you, but that certainly helped.

I was off-and-on healthwise through the weekend. A half hour before I left for the train on Friday, I had a long bout of coughing where I coughed so hard I nearly puked, and would have had there been any food in my stomach. (I've hardly eaten anything all weekend so I can avoid barfing.) God, that is so horrible and out of control. I loathe having a gag reflex as easily triggered as mine is. I had to keep popping lozenges on the bus, especially when a woman with a baby sat down next to me! Man, the guilt of giving a baby the flu. I wanted to warn her I was sick, but where else could she have sat? (Turns out she was already sick too!)

The first night at Dave's I actually slept for the first time in days. I ended up sleeping till 1:30 (so much for hanging with his mom) and then took like an hour to sluggishly get dressed to go accompany Teri to pick Dave up from work. We did some shopping and eating and eventually went home to watch Evolution (amusing enough) and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (somehow even weirder than I figured it would be).

Unfortunately, I did not sleep Saturday night because the major hacking cough had returned and nothing would shut it up long enough, no matter what crap I poured down my throat or how many lozenges I popped. My mouth was so tired of the taste of medicine and fake strawberries. The whole thing made me mad, but at least Dave was there to comfort me this time. (It's so gonna suck now when he's not and I hack all night again.) He was incredibly sweet to me during all of this. I mean, WOW. I don't think even my mom's been that nice to me when sick in ages. I ended up sleeping all day again (3:30!), but did manage to get up and semi-socialize with his mom slightly before leaving. Not a lot went on there either.

Now that you're thoroughly bored by this account of hacking and sleeping....

When I had to call Mom tonight (she called while I was gone. Oh shit.), she pitched a major, major ugly fit. It was hideous.

I knew she'd get all pissed off to hear I was sick, but I had no idea she'd UTTERLY LOSE IT when I told her I'd taken a few sick days. (And I lied about how many I'd taken, too.) She actually told me I would lose my job for taking sick days. Hello?!? Never mind that I really had to go home, never mind that I was passing out on the desk, I should have stayed "because they want reliable employees." She knows damn well that I generally don't cut school or work because I feel lazy or want to go hang out with the boy or have homework due or anything like that. Does she ask how I'm doing? Nope, she just yells at me for not going to work.

She claims I didn't tell her I was going away again for the weekend. I thought I'd told her (I remember for sure telling Dad. Yeah, that was a good idea.), but she told me I was lying if I said that, and I just wanted to avoid getting in trouble with her, so I wouldn't tell her. Then she punished me by telling me about a bunch of drunk teenagers who I supposedly went to school with (who were apparently either freshmen when I was a senior or football players in my grade. I didn't hang out with freshmen when I was a senior, and I had ONE football player friend, who now lives in Pennsylvania.)- she INSISTED that I knew them- that got decapitated in a car accident the other night. Did I really need to hear this? And she just went on and on and on and then went into how I never send my grandma a card (or anyone a card- so sue me, I have fifty billion cards from people that fill up most of my drawers and I'm just not that into sappy greeting cards, much less taking special care and time to mail out more cards) and am generally a selfish bitch who only cares about herself and her boyfriend.

I ended up hanging up on her and then calling Dave (while he was at the vampire game- somehow they had one after all) and crying at him for awhile about how I have a mean mommy. (I SO don't want to introduce them now. Really actively don't want to.) He told me his mom will call him while he's out of town and then leave five messages whining "Why aren't you calling me back? How can you do this to me?" when she's been told that his phone was dead. I am so glad to finally have someone who RELATES to the whole parent thing. Previous exes' parents either (a) didn't notice their child was gone or (b) went around telling me how I should tell mine to fuck off.

God, I just don't think I can manage to have a boyfriend and parents at the same time. How sad is this that I feel like I have to choose one or the other?

After I got off the phone with him, Mom immediately called back and we kinda made up- at least, she cooled off some and said she'd like to hear more about him at some point. So there's a sorta happy ending to this, but I still went to bed with a bad taste in my mouth beyond the lozenges. Then, of course, I stayed up hacking every fifteen minutes for half the night.

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