Chaos Attraction

Rappers and Bidets

2019-04-11, 7:52 p.m.

Today’s work discussion revolved around Nipsey Hussle’s funeral, rappers, and Immortal Thought. Some folks could not stand to watch a funeral (New Girl, who’s had enough of that shit), some kept talking and talking about the funeral and yet somehow would not watch it (GQ, who did not have the time really anyway) and a third coworker who currently has no cute nickname assigned to her actually watched “the highlights” and described it as “It was the classiest hood thing I have ever seen.”

GQ was impressed that New Girl likes Immortal Thought (“you get four points!” By comparison, he gave me “two points” for also liking orange sherbet) and then had me listen to “You Never Know” (sad) and “Dance With The Devil” (extremely hardcore song about a bunch of guys beating, raping and killing a girl and then one guy has second thoughts about his own mother and kills himself) to hear the works of Immortal Thought.

So my work day was full of rappers, how was yours?

In other news, I heard from Mom about her weekend trip with Roger. They had a Jacuzzi in the hotel, a lot of sprays in the shower, and a bidet. Mom tried it and it was “pretty neat,” Roger did not try it.

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