Chaos Attraction

Blushing Beet Red

2002-04-29, 8:28 p.m.

Well, I'm out to my coworkers at work about the engagement now. Er, rather inadvertently.

My fellow clerk and I were having a discussion about names. I'd found this weird name on a transcript (I'll just say it has an angelic theme, and that kid has a LOT to have to live up to.) and we were talking about giving kids unusual names. I said something along the lines of "Well, any kids I have are going to have a long, complicated last name they'll have to spell to everyone anyway, so I'd give them a simple first name," and proceeded to imitate how I have to spell out mine to everyone, then stopped in the middle with a "Uh... well, both our names are long and hard to spell, really..."

She gasped. "You're going to marry the boy?"

"Uh... yeah..."

"When did this happen?"

"Uh...awhile ago..."

Wouldn't you know that my boss walks by right at that moment and comes in to hear the fun? I'm trying to explain that I haven't told a whole lot of people yet because my parents don't know yet, and my boss goes "You got engaged to a guy your parents haven't met yet?" Boy, did I feel like shit then. I tried to explain that I've been trying to introduce them for months, but I felt like such an idiot. The boss said she wouldn't tell, though I think she signed it to my deaf coworker behind me.

In other news, so much for dropping out of going to the wedding. I got an e-mail from Mom (days late in being sent) saying that she'd already sent in the RSVP. Drat. I actually do want to go, but going a whole month is going to be awful, especially on him. Mom did tell me that they probably won't come on the weekend of Whole Earth until Sunday, so maybe I'll just go take a train to see Dave for one night and get back at midnight again? I'll have to ask.

Hill and I went to WalMart today and I had a major shopping spree with the money I saved from not having a hotel room. I got Mom a lighthouse candle, a Celine Dion tape (no CD's left), and Princess Diaries, which Hill is watching right now. She begged me to watch it with her, but I've been on the phone all night here. Haven't even been able to call Scott because I had to call Mom, and then I need to talk to Dave. (Yes, I've been typing while on the phone. Hard to do!) I also got Dave a present- a Lego R2D2 set- and picked up the novelization of Attack of the Clones to read/pass on to him if he'd like. I also got more hair dye, a card game Hill recommended (we played that in Denny's later), and my first post-engagement bridal magazine, which I told Hill was for my collage project.

I have some good news- I actually found a job I can apply for at UCD! In the same department! Doing scheduling! I'm the Scheduling Nazi! I can do it! Hooray! And it pays even more! The only bad thing is that it's yet another temporary position, but oh well. I'll still go for it. I'm excited. And oddly enough, goes with my horoscope for today in the school paper:

"You're starting a major cycle, so take advantage of this transition to increase your income. This is a time to figure out how to manifest more money by performing the same activities that you are currently doing. Meditate and learn about yourself, because fear is nothing more than your own insecurity."

I seriously need to get a job that engages me more mentally. On the phone at night I tend to start going off into completely random remarks, to the point where Dave thinks I may be crazier than he is. (And Jeremy is going around telling people I'm crazier than Dave to boot.) This is pretty damn nervewracking for me, considering he's the one with the wild past and (at least) three near-death experiences, and I never did anything at all. And I'M the crazy one? The hell?

It doesn't help either that when I'm bored, now my mind turns to wedding analysis. This original entry somehow got nuked in my e-mail, and it originally had pages of analysis of possible wedding dates. Yeah, THAT'S the priority to worry about now, Jen. I'm seriously thinking of starting up a wedding journal on Wedding Channel (Hill's best friend Kendra's already got a wedding website up there, surprise) and just saving the wedding angsty comments there and only putting crucial details in here. That way you're spared the long list of wedding date analysis, as well as the list of things that scare me about marriage. (The good news: it's a short list! The bad news: what's on it is really bad!) I don't want this thing to become constant Wedding Journal just because I don't have much else to talk about most of the time and have everyone get fed up with me. But on the other hand, it's a journal, and shouldn't I put stuff in it that I want to? I don't know.

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