Chaos Attraction

Professional Yarn Bombing

2021-05-27, 9:52 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
My Son's Right There - 2021-06-01
No Karaoke - 2021-05-31
Extreme Heat - 2021-05-30
Mom Visits - 2021-05-29
Catching Up With Melinda - 2021-05-28


Cast list as of November 2019

It was quiet at work today, thank gawd. Not even a meeting!

After work, I attended a book discussion of "The Seduction of the Crimson Rose" (a romance/Napoleonic War spy series) with the author and Sarah of Smart Bitches, Trashy Books. Sample conversation: "Wow, I was gutsy back then, I put weird stuff in here!" and "I wrote that quote? Well done, me!"

Today I read an Washington Post online chat with a professional yarn bomber*, London Kaye, who mentioned that she has a cross-country yarn bombing campaign going on, Love Across The USA, in which you make "L O V E" out of yarn, attach it to a blanket of yarn, and yarn bomb it wherever by June 1.

* I am seriously at a loss as to how this was made into a job. Like, how many gigs do you GET? For how much money? To live off of in a pandemic? I mean, that seems extremely expendable in the event of emergency.....

Now, several years (?) ago, while knitting in the dark at the movies, I made a long enough panel to yarn bomb the tree on my patio. I never got around to doing it, mind you, but I've already got that done. I split it into two panels, crocheted the letters in LOVE and sewed them on today. I'm considering trying to make a third, but making the fabric in a hurry may not work too well.

I also finished the yarn bombing entry and wrote up my Yarn Club newsletter for the week, on yarn bombing and Eurovision. This was fun.

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