Chaos Attraction

Playing Operation

2002-06-11, 11:12 p.m.

Smackdown topic, Tuesday, June 11: "What's your earliest memory?"

According to my mother, my earliest memory is around when we used to have a boat and would go racing around the lake. I hated the thing because it was a speedboat and I got so much spray in my face while on it that I'd hide in Mom's boobs. She says we had the boat when I was three, but I don't specifically remember being that young. It seems older to me than that.

What I think of as my first memories are preschool in general. It would figure given how much I didn't like school that that would be what I remember at the early age. I don't have any clue what's older than the rest. I remember having some felt bunny up for my birthday, I remember being able to read at that age, I remember wanting to play outside whenever it was raining (at no other time did I ever want to play outside, mind you), stuff like that.

The one major memory from there is when one girl wanted to play doctor. She was the doctor, I was the patient. However, I had NO idea what a patient did. She told me to go wait in the "waiting room," and I skipped around happily in a circle singing "I'm the patient, I'm the patient." Then she called me in, laid me down, pulled out the doctor tools, and said she was going to operate. I got up and screamed.

Yeah, really profound stuff here.

I most likely won't be doing much in the way of Smackdown entries for the next few weeks or so. Mainly because the topics coming up are ones I don't have a whole lot to say on. I may print a line or two, but not much else. Sigh.

In other news... well, ARGH. Argh, argh, argh.

Dave got sick. On Thursday or some day like that when we were on the phone, he was all "Remind me to take my pills, ok?" Given how rarely I ever take medication when I'm supposed to, this struck me as a Very Bad Idea, but okay... Of course, we both forgot about it entirely on Saturday until it was too late, but he was all "Oh, it won't kill me to miss a day."

Uh-huh. He was going around having head rushes through the weekend, but brushed it off. Apparently he was fine while at work all day, but was sick as a dog, with really worrying symptoms, upon returning home yesterday. Just did not sound good at all. He's all "this has happened before, missing the pills caught up with me, I'll be fine tomorrow," but I dunno about that. Again I was all "You should go to the doctor," but he brushed it off and said he'd go if he still felt bad tomorrow. Oy.

Adding to the fun, remember how he was supposed to have this weekend off? Hah, not any more. He got scheduled to work at least one day this weekend, and the first company softball game is also sometime this weekend, and can I please come to see him instead of going to Hill's party?

(And I thought the company softball games were supposed to be on weekDAY nights, not weekend nights. Why do I suspect that I'm going to be spending a fair amount of nights this summer seeing him by sitting around in bleachers till 11 p.m.? Now I'm remembering why I wasn't so much for dating the jocks in high school. Well, that and they didn't like me much.)

See why I'm ARGHing right now? I already told her for weeks now that I'd go. I would feel like an asshole for bailing. At any rate, if Mom found out I went to his place instead of the party I told her I was going to in lieu of yet another family gathering, she'd go ballistic. She's fairly likely to make an impromptu call Saturday or Sunday night, and if I'm not there... If I tell her where I've gone, though, she'll still be pissed. I can't blame her. And in all honesty, it'd be stupid of me to miss the party to just sit around at Dave's grandma's all day and then sit around in the bleachers all night, when I really should be doing something else. Too bad my going up on Saturday night after the party just isn't practical- I doubt anyone could pick my ass up from the station on that night, they'd have other things to do.

I do not like being pulled in all these directions all the time. Can't bloody stand it. Yes, I want to see him, but I can't go around dropping everything I said I'd do weeks ago just because his work scheduled changed yet again at the last minute. I can't go around doing that all the time.

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