Chaos Attraction

Another Bad Review

2022-06-29, 8:14 p.m.

I'm so sick of the international clientele. Well, more specifically their countries and businesses that are constantly refusing anything we send them. They refuse anything sent electronically. Or it has to be sent through some special website we can't use to send that electronically. Or they refuse it and then ask for more complicated crap to be put on it. Or they want us to fill out THEIR form and not OUR form (this is a huge thing in my office and very much a NO). Or they email me three times asking me to "verify" our paperwork. They refuse to let the client send it, they want it sent off of our work email. Then we do that and they refuse it because they want it sent off some OTHER work email. They won't accept pre-printed, they want FRESH WET INK. They want an official date that we literally won't have the answer about for months. It feels like they are making up excuses to deny everything, honestly. I make jokes that someday someone will demand that the Big Boss literally bleed, or provide fingerprints, or whatall, but I semi-seriously think that might happen. It gets worse every year. Or they only want it sent via international snail mail, which will inevitably lose it.

Someone sent me an incomplete international address today to mail a non-Important-Document to--I'm talking, missing the name of the country and zip code, sent me the same bad address twice--and I didn't even waste time asking "please give me a full and complete address," because (a) no matter what country in the Far East it's going to, it wouldn't make it even if the address was correct, and (b) the person is permitting us to email it to them anyway, so we at least know they get it THAT way.

I unfortunately was told today that most of the Black Hole Of Mail country is back to doing mail again. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Today was Review Day, which thankfully got postponed from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and was relatively cut short, thank gawd. I read the thing and signed off on it before the meeting, which apparently made it disappear on my boss's end. Um, oops? Anyway, it was pretty much the exact same rankings as last year (100% horrible or 90% horrible, approximately), I got ONE satisfactory in "stewardship" (I have no idea what that is) and everything else was a litany of things I did wrong this year, every single one. Yaaaaaaaaay. I love how she regurgitates every writeup. Oh, and I have to start working the front counter regularly "to get comfortable." I'm never going to get comfortable being put on the spot for shit I don't know, ESPECIALLY WHEN I GET WRITTEN UP FOR FUCKUPS. I asked if everyone else on my team has to work shifts and she was all "No, they're perfectly comfortable doing service." I guess I'm lucky she didn't put me on phone shifts. I pointed out that she has stage fright and it's the same thing for me ("service fright?"), except if I screw up here there are huuuuuuuuge consequences. I note that "if I screw up, there are huuuuuuge consequences" is why it took me 16 years to get my driver's license.

Sigh. Anyway...I managed to move the topic of conversation off How Jennifer Sucks to talk about tech issues instead, so there's that. I also think she was sorta-almost-kinda trying to compliment me on a thing, but it was kind of vague? She did say "You're not terrible," which may be as much of a positive thing as she can manage on the topic of my horribleness.

I didn't plan anything for after work so I could cry and drink. At least I didn't cry, but I did drink on the patio while cross stitching. I got fairly far along on the temperature gauge cross stitch and finished a book before it got too cold and I went back in.

Seriously, without anything to do at night, somewhere between 8:30 and 9-ish I'm all, "I'm bored, I might as well go attempt to go to bed," and then wake up before dawn. Blech. I'm not sure if it does anything or not to try to go to bed earlier when I wake up earlier. Maybe next week I'll have something to do.

I don't really have plans for the weekend. I'm debating trying to find some, or just making myself clean my closet up, finish catching up on the temperature gauge and finish the long hem of this skirt....stuff like that.

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