Chaos Attraction

Rumor Mill (Part 2)

2002-07-22, 8:18 p.m.

Okay, the weekend went a LOT better than I anticipated. We got to stay at S&D's for the whole weekend, so yay to that.

On Saturday morning... well, all the crap that had been going on all week I guess just kinda hit Dave real hard, and he kinda had a little nervous breakdown, freaking out for awhile. He ended up not going to work because he just wasn't in the shape to go in and deal with people being assholes that day. I'm hoping he doesn't get in trouble for that. Anyway, we (me and S&D) worked on distracting him, took him out to look at pet stuff and to go get chais, etc. and that seemed to help. He also ended up acquiring another baby rat, since I guess it's not great to only own one rat by itself. The new one is a girl, named "Harriet Houdini." I'm sure you can guess why. Dave thought this was amusing. I'm wondering how amused he'll be when she's escaped and he's trying to find her before the dog does, but oh well.

None of us had slept all that well on Friday night, and were looking forward to crashing Saturday night. Well, wouldn't you know it, there's another knock on the door at 4:30 a.m. This time it was these two chicks who live together. Some random guy (I don't know if they knew him or not, I never did hear much details about this) had shown up at their place and started banging on the door and yelling that he was going to kill them. One girl had a boyfriend over to protect her, but the other didn't, so she ended up crashing on the couch here that night. The next morning, her roommate came back to pick her up, and the whole rumor mill thing came up again. The roommate was one of the people suspected of passing around the rumors, but given her shocked expression and lack of knowledge of what was going on, suffice it to say she's (a) cleared, and (b) pissed off too. I was worried that this coming up again might set Dave off again, but he did pretty well.

Now Scott's all "If anyone knocks at the door late at night, they are NOT getting in."

After I left, Dave went back home... and Nikki showed up at the door. They had a long talk about things, and it looks like they will be making up, such as things are. J&N evidently found someone else to pay the bucks, so they got the place after all. Dave gave Nikki a lecture on watching where she gets her rumor information from. I'm not sure if they did it or not now, but perhaps not? Who knows. I am surprised that Dave still wants to be friends with them, given how PISSED he's been this week, but I guess he's not wanting to lose more friends, he's known Jeremy six years, etc. My mom (who now thinks J&N are evil incarnate or something) will be annoyed to hear this, but oh well.

Dave has Thursday and Friday off from work, and will be coming to visit me then. Too bad he's got off when I have all the craft classes, though. It's not such an issue Wednesday night because he'll get into town around when I get out of my class (I'm going to make my demo ring in his size. Might as well give him a present), but he'll hardly see me at all on Thursday. In the morning before I go to work, at lunch, and for an hour after work before I have class again, and after I get out of that 3 1/2 hours later. Poor guy. Hope he doesn't get too bored. I warned him about this stuff, but he wanted to come anyway. At least he'll get out of his house. And then on Friday, we'll both go back to his town for the weekend.

I finally got to do my shopping today. I went to the bead store, but they didn't have any cabochons. I looked around at their books instead, but wasn't particularly interested in any of them. I then went to Borders, which has an extensive crafts section, and looked at tons of books. I really wanted this one beading book, but it was $20 and I was already tempted to get a whole lot of other stuff. I managed to find a cheap (though old) book on metalsmithing for $9, though. I also, well, got tempted and bought a few other books and a magazine too. I feel so bad, but dammit, I'm bored and I've read everything in my place a billion times and I need something to read on weekends!

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