Chaos Attraction

Throwing A Fit

2022-08-07, 7:54 p.m.

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"You are my favorite mini-series." -Jennifer Crusie.

Sunday: Mom won't stop going at me about everything about me. She had to do my hair this morning (fine) and also wouldn't stop picking at me about everything else. The woman can't do unconditional love, for sure. You know how teenagers are all embarrassed by their parents? Well, in this family it's the other way around. I wasn't allowed to wear the pants I brought last night in front of Cynthia and Steve (they're going to care if I wear large pants to be warm instead of skintight jeans, which is what she made me wear? THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT MY ASS.) She has to do my hair and won't stop complaining about it. She's bothered that I'm wearing a mask. She has to bitch me out about work and when I said that I can't be myself there, she said "then be yourself there," ignoring that I've said for years they don't WANT me to be me there. Just...just stop, already.

Oh yeah, and she told me Roger haaaaaaaates my knitting and can I just sit still and listen? I caved in on this one (though frankly, I don't know if this is true or not or if she made it up, and kind of wish I hadn't caved in) and stared bored into space all through the meal, TOTALLY LISTENING.

And she wanted an answer already as to whether or not Scott wanted to go to the Lion King, which she has been asking for all week. I had originally negotiated with her a "give me until Sunday" deadline, asked him midweek IRL and still didn't get an answer because I got the whole "have to check at work" thing. I texted him one more time. I got no fucking response all afternoon, which is so fucking rude I can't even with this. Dude, if you don't want to go JUST SAY SO, don't tell me maybe about it and drag it out. I gave you a deadline, I asked on the deadline, and you ignored it? You're being a shit. And also I've had to defend you to my mother all week asking and me saying "oh, he said he has to check at work." You look bad and you make me look bad. WHY FUCKING BOTHER WITH YOU. I am actually angry enough to Say Something About This. I told her no for both him and for myself--I've had enough of dealing with her lately and I don't feel like driving over there next weekend alone and I've seen the show before. Let her find someone else to do it.

In better news, we went out to lunch and that was good, and I especially loved the pomegranate ice cream. Roger announced that he and Mom will be taking a constitutional law class in someone's living room, to which I was all "... Mom is into this?..." in my head, but didn't say out loud. I will also note that Roger told two stories about Evan and his pet snake: (a) Evan invited his teacher come over to see his snake....there's a photo...and all of that sounds so much dirtier than actually happened. (b) At one point the snake got out and wound itself around something on the wall, forcing Roger to detangle the snake and put it back in its container. And to tell Evan afterwards he was lucky he didn't take care of the situation with a Glock.

I left around 3. I will note that my phone was going off with texts all afternoon, but that was just Shiny Unicorns discussion and not who I actually wanted to hear from, which was infuriating. Oh, and Rae left a message saying she's changing her name to Raven because too many people have the name Rae. (Try being a Jennifer, I thought.) I went home the usual route, thankyouverymuch.

I tried to calm down all the drive home and not write something rude to Scott about blowing me off, but that didn't help. Usually I wait around for a week before I decide if I'm actually going to say something to him about anything, but he's had weeks on this, he kept claiming maybe, he blew me off, that's fucking rude and not okay to do to someone. So when I got home I sent a text saying never mind, he's off the hook, I've known him long enough by now to know that if he wants to do something he says yes right off the bat, and if he says maybe or nothing he means no, and I shouldn't have listened to his maybes, and I will keep this in mind the next time I get a bright idea about asking him to do anything. It could have been meaner--and frankly, I'm pissed enough to say more than that--but fuck this, it's just rude to ignore and ignore.

If this blows up the so-called friendship, so be it, I guess. He'll probably just ignore it anyway. I put my phone in the other room (and smart watch) after that so I wouldn't be tempted to see him not response. I checked the B&tB FB page when I got home and guess what, the stage isn't done yet and Steve was begging people to come over and finish it. (I note I did say it wasn't likely I'd make it today, not that I can do anything.) And Scott said he'd go over there. Well, maybe he was busy all afternoon, know what, he could have gotten back to me quicker. I'm not sorry. If he's that level of jerk, then he is and it's long since time I confirmed that and got the hell out, isn't it.

Later: he did write back finally, saying he was busy today and that's why he hadn't responded, he'd be fine with going but that is a lot of driving for the day and if I'd still like him to go, he can, and if I'm that frustrated, he's sorry, but sometimes he has stuff going on and can't respond right away. That's the last I heard about it. He was still building the stage when I got to rehearsal, but we did not talk at any point. I'm not sure what to do any more. The stage was still mostly ripped up by the time I left--I gather something worse had happened that day--so rehearsal was in the lobby while those not in "Gaston" were still working on it.

Rehearsal: did the rest of "Gaston," I am mostly in the back, some mug clinking is going on, blah de blah. After rehearsal, I attempted to replace Jan's shoelaces with the new ones I got her, but only got one out of four done before she got called over to deal with stage issues, so....yeah.

Quotes: Steve: "Lefou, you're going to get the snot kicked out of you in this number." Lucas: "Same as in every number?"

Sirens went off somewhere. Sarah: "Oh, Steve, they found you."

Steve: "There's no man in town half as manly. As you're sitting on his lap.... This is a very bad abusive relationship. You were abandoned as a child and he adopted you."

Steve, before we start clinking mugs: "I am going to take my hearing aids out."

Rachelle to me on table dancing: "Just move the boobs."

Sherilyn, watching the number: "This is so boring, I'm going to change this."

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