Chaos Attraction

Car Tetris

2022-08-09, 7:58 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Mrs. Potts's Bitch Slap - 2022-08-14
THE END - 2022-08-13
Charade - 2022-08-12
Anti-Protest? - 2022-08-11
Cancelations - 2022-08-10


Cast list as of November 2019

"You are my favorite mini-series." -Jennifer Crusie.

Got the car's oil changed and it's all checked up on and all is well. No occurred to me that since the first date was (a) him not thinking it was a date and later turning me down and (b) the second one involved a trip to the ER, maybe it's a good thing I was getting the car taken care of today. That said, I pretty much expect some kind of traffic snafu re: going to San Jose...ah well!

Other than that, my office has decided it's worth spending $900 to not have to deal with the 480+ papers being sent here when nobody wanted them issue, which I met with my boss about before she went to Hawaii again.

Therapy: much better time of it than the last few weeks, albeit I certainly had a lot to say about mama drama, and I also asked what was appropriate/inappropriate to say in the meeting with the Interim Big Boss on Friday. She said I'm allowed to be angry but shouldn't be looking at things through a microscope like Mom does. Mom bitches me out more than I do (guess where I learned it from).

Quotes: "Sometimes you just gotta bow to the universe."
"Sometimes my best sucks really badly."

Re: work, she said I should say that I'm concerned about what I say being used against me and how this would come down upon me if/when he says something to my supervisor (who I note will conveniently be gone for over a week after I have this appointment, so that helps), and that I am afraid of causing more trouble if I speak up.

Rae(Raven) called to say she's changing her name to Athena because there are too many Rae's and Ravens and it's too Gothic. Also, "I like wars, they're awesome."

Rehearsal: more "Be Our Guest," which is still not done because there are specialty dances, but that's not my effing problem (that's tomorrow night). Problem with this is that Sherilyn redid a good chunk of it, and frankly I was confused on what's new vs. what's being redone and where I'm supposed to be standing for a lot of it. Also we now have to carry around platters of food, which makes certain aspects of the dance um, not so great because we don't have time to dump the platters before doing certain in-close-positions moves. This seems kinda bad to me, but again, not my business.

The stage appears to be mostly/enough finished for rehearsal tonight, presumably due to Scott being there (not sure if anyone else was doing it earlier). It needs painting, but at least boards were down. Julia: "I was literally falling all over the stage yesterday." Omar: "If anyone's foot goes through the stage, blame Scott." I sadly was unable to write down the song Steve made up about walking and suing.

Julia: "I keep calling Scott Belle." Me: Nobody knows any names now, between Elissa, Alisa and Rachele/Rachelle...

Sherilyn was originally referring to people as numbers, but Felicia and I got upgraded to names! Hah hah.

Sherilyn: "Cogsworth is still trying to stop the kickline." Omar: "Kick me." (Seriously, he has squat to do during these rehearsals and Mrs. Potts usually goes home sick and Chip is on vacation. Dull times. Omar naps onstage.)
Sarah to Omar: "You're nailing it!"
Rachelle: "Cogsworth is in the way again?!"

Jean: "When do I get to do my shimmy?"
Jean: "What's shaking, fork?"

Boris referred to a split as "doing the full Isaiah," I'm afraid to ask.

Steve: "Those are the lyrics? I've done this how many times?!"

Sierra: "Hey Julia, they're going to pick me up and tie me around your neck."

Rachelle: "I'm going to sober up in 3 hours." (no clue on context)

Steve wanted to get on a ladder to take photos. I had objections to this. "What, just because I get hurt all the time?" (He managed not to this time.)

Sherilyn: "I totally screwed up, you guys did better than me." Jean: "We were in sync with what we forgot." Sherilyn: "I basically taught it and forgot it."

Scott to Jillian: "We don't want a dirty carpet."

Leo is quite bouncy. Sarah: "Softer, Leo, don't kill anyone."

Rachelle, having dance captain stress: "I lost two. I'm hiring napkins. Anyone wanna be a napkin?"

Annie adjusting to the changes she didn't see: "I wasn't here before, so this is my natural spot now."

Oh yeah, and the fire department dropped by because some alarm went off that nobody heard. One of them said, "Yesterday, we went to a place with dancing tables and chairs."

I was super dead like 45 minutes before the end of rehearsal...and then the fire trucks were blocking most of the cars. Omar played Car Tetris with Sierra's car to get it out for her.

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