Chaos Attraction

A Potential Hope

2022-08-19, 8:19 p.m.

Woke up this morning to find out that Gatsby, an adorable corgi I watch the videos of, has nasal cancer. This video is absolutely gutwrenching and heartbreaking. Ryen (owner) is having a nervous breakdown and he said his parents are flying in from Hawaii. Part of me was horrified he was filming this agony, but at the same time I realized he was all alone with it for WEEKS while he was waiting around to get answers and then trying to find a vet that would take him, and I guess talking to the camera made him feel less alone. I'm glad someone got him the hookup at the vet school here. I went and bought some merchandise off his website after that (looks like the GoFundMe is over the top but thought I'd throw some money in anyway). Poor doggie. Upon reading the FB page, it sounds like he's getting radiation but that won't totally save him/get rid of all of the cancer, so this is just buying around a year of time for him. Awwwwwwwwwwww.

As for work: in office day, internet was having issues, did some mailing, had lunch with Rachel, Insomnia Cookies were brought into the office and I got two (then bought more after work) and thankfully there's not a whole lot of THE EMAILS to do, so I'm actually having a slow period. This worked out great because...dum dum dum....I actually got an interview for that job I applied for! Two Mondays from now. Kind of not the best timing and both my boss and my grandboss are out today, so I said I'd have to wait a few days until everyone got back to confirm and she was totally fine with that.

So I spent the afternoon prepping: reading the webpage for what program I'd be coordinating and printing stuff, ordering the Ask A Manager how to get a job book stuff, printing resumes/references, etc. Happily, the HR lady (might be my boss?) named who was in the interview, albeit I'm a little confused why one person on the panel is from another office and the job itself seems to indicate working for other people...oh well, who knows here. They make you go through at least three job interviews these days to get anywhere, so this is round one anyway. I don't know if I'm the best fit to coordinate ALL of that or not--this isn't exactly my experience area, but maybe they don't care? We'll see. I'm not going to get too attached. They give you the REAL job listing after you get the interview and that's a surpriser every time here, but "first point of contact" and "call center" and "phones" were NOT mentioned, so fingers crossed that's actually the case.

I'm going to try to not get my hopes up and not tell too many people about this one. And try not to daydream too much about finally getting to escape. Right now I'm taking it as "hey, it's flattering they are considering me."

After work, I picked up a book and cookies, and Ashley called to briefly gripe about medical personnel who were supposed to have called her and didn't. And ambulances were driving by, which is concerning.

I also watched "What Happened in Greyston," one of our 10 minute play shows (filmed ahead of time) that Jackie posted for us early. It's gut-wrenching too...about her character being in love with a guy in high school and he didn't feel the same, but boinked her after prom and then backed out...and now he's killed himself. Reminded me of my life, but hey, mine isn't that bad.

Then I went to Ben's birthday party at DMTC. Okay, it turns out I sorta-met hiim before at Tomas's party, or at least I saw him and the family around then. About 16-17 people showed (more than the 8 who RSVP'd, so that's a yay) and lots of good food-especially fried chicken and pasta salad--was to be had. I went out and got pasta salads at Safeway and also found dairy-free ice cream for Stacy. I sadly wish I'd been able to write down all of Steve's funny lines, but I was busy, oh well. So it was people hanging out and having a good time, and then watching clips from Ben's theater career starting in the 90's.

Forgot to mention that Steve said he was glad I was there last night. Awwww.

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