Chaos Attraction

A Successful Ambush

2002-09-30, 7:26 p.m.

The weekend with my parents actually went well. No fighting, only a little mini-arguing about my life, and a fair amount of "Your hair stinks, change it, and while you're at it, put on blush" from Mom. She never has liked my hair and wishes I'd cut it short and curl it. Argh. I like the curling idea, but it's way too much trouble for me to do on my own.

I went to see "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" with Mom on Saturday and enjoyed it well enough, and am glad I don't have a big ethnic-stressing family to worry about for this! I can't even imagine a German-themed wedding. (I'm approximately 3/4 German, Dave is half) We also went to the Harvest Festival, which is this really cool arts and crafts fair. I shouldn't have done it, but I bought an purple and blue squiggle ear cuff and a "crazy heart" multicolored dichroic necklace. Gorgeous. Mom also gave me a lot of gifts for no reason this weekend, including another earcuff, some rings, a skirt, and two nightgowns, the latter of which she'd bought for herself and decided didn't look good on her. It's definitely amusing that I have one sexy nightgown I bought for myself and the rest of my lingerie is either (a) stuff Mom used to own, or (b) stuff Grandma used to own. And it's still not bad, either.

Mom did start pestering me at one point about what do I want to do with my life, where do I see myself in five years, etc. I probably should have taken this opportunity to er, mention you-know-what, but instead I started going off about how I don't know and I can't predict anything because my life is so crazy.

She also found this quote in USA Weekend about Oprah saying that she won't marry Stedman because he's traditional and would expect her to start behaving like a "wife" if she did it. Mom started cracking up and yelling "That's you, Jennifer!" I didn't really know what to say to that. On the one hand, that's true enough, on the other hand, uh...

Did I mention that Dave got his driver's license on Friday? Woo hoo! One problem solved, kinda... now on to the car issue. The good news is that his grandfather said he could have his old car if he got it running again. The bad news is that it'll cost at least $300 for the parts to fix what they know about, and they don't know if anything else is wrong with it.

Anyway, Dave decided to come back "home" (he's calling my place that now, interesting) Sunday night and do a parental ambush. Though I suspect Mom started suspecting something was up when he called me while I was in the car still and at one point I screwed up and mentioned that his mom was on the other line. "Where is he?" "At home, I guess..." "Then where's his mom?" "Doing errands, I guess?" "At eight o'clock on a Sunday night?"

I did a little scream when I walked into my room to show how surprised I was (Dave admired my acting skills), and the meeting actually went quite well. All was perky and friendly, and Mom said she would have brought him to dinner had she known. She seems to like him, yay to that.

Dave's once again doing the vague wedding date discussion. I swear, he's got a new idea for it every few weeks. This time it's "let's do it sometime between your parents' and my parents' anniversary." Which pretty much approximates to next September that we were discussing anyway :P

Pretty bizarre to think that it's likely by next time this year, I'll be married. Hopefully, anyway. We shall see.

Dave called me a MILF last night. For those of you who did not see American Pie, that's a "Mom I'd Like to Fuck." I was all "Excuse me, no, I'm NOT," and he was all "Well, you're going to be a mommy some day, and I'll still want you, so..."

I just couldn't say a word. Froze up. Decided not to say anything at all.

"Were you going to say something, dear?"


"You did one of those noises like you were going to say something and then thought better of it."

"I did?"

"Yeah, like-" at which point he imitated a sigh.

"Uh... I didn't know I did that. I wasn't going to say anything." I didn't even know I'd made a noise.

I need to watch out. He's more perceptive than I thought. (Except on the er, MILF issue.)

The family tradition on Mom's side is to go up to Apple Hill (it's a big area of apple and Christmas tree farms that offer apples, crafts, food goodies galore, etc.) every year. Aunt Susie usually runs the trip, so to speak. While I was still at home, Mom asked if I wanted to go this year. I did (yum, free samples), figuring if worst came to worst and Dave was here whenever they wanted to do it, he could just go play more Fallout or something. I have no idea how they'd all react to *gasp* me bringing a date to this kind of thing.

Anyway, I e-mailed Mom this morning saying that if Dave was still here this weekend, did she want to do dinner, and she said "well, we were thinking of doing Apple Hill this weekend." I am not sure if that will go on or not, as she hasn't asked Aunt Susie yet, or if I'd be able to bring Dave along. On a family gathering, oy. Though at least this side of the family is nice.

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