Chaos Attraction

Holiday Wishbone 2: Tightrope Boogaloo

2002-11-14, 7:44 p.m.

I haven't written diddly. Yesterday I had a coughing fit that lasted hours, made me throw up again, and the only way I could stop coughing for very long was to lie down flat. It laid off a bit fortunately by the time I had to go shopping with Hill.

Over dinner, she asked about the whole holiday situation. She agrees with me and said "He doesn't want the entire family to hate him, does he? They barely know him yet." Yup. Though it occurred to me afterwards that she still doesn't know you-know-what. Oops.

Yeah, I'm dumb.

While we were in Wal-Mart (we got there pretty late thanks to her class getting out late), Dave called and was all freaked out that I wasn't home yet. Hill called him a party pooper. I was all "Geez, what's the big deal? It's 10:15, and I normally don't get home from Wal-Mart trips until 10:30 at the earliest." Sheesh. People, don't try pot, it makes you reaaaal paranoid.

You know how you'll be reading stuff online on message boards and some discussion will just really hit you?

There's been one on the Knot (I read it when I'm reaaaaaally bored, but don't post there) that has been hitting me. This one girl's fiance threw a big hissy fit, took back her ring and hid it, and said he wouldn't marry her if she didn't change her name to his or hyphenate. She wanted to either keep her name or have them both hyphenate, and he wouldn't agree to that.

I was amazed at how many people kept essentially telling her to take his name, he's a guy, you can't expect him to take yours, it's important to his family, blah blah blah. The other half were all "do what you want or compromise, but watch out if this guy's getting that belligerent over it." Really, the girl looked at Herfirst Hislast and Herfirst Herlast-Hislast written down and started crying... I think that's a girl who really doesn't want to change it!

But the guy threw fits about how he was insulted that she didn't take it, family is important, he and she both MUST have his father's name, etc., etc.... and she caved in to hyphenate.

Gah. Honestly, wouldn't it be better to have a fellow who would say "Whichever makes you happy, it's your name?"

The job interview went great today- he should be hearing back tomorrow afternoon. Cross all fingers...

I am annoyed, work-wise. Why is it that half of my work area (the Other Department) gets the entire week off around Christmas- I'm talking 24th to the 1st, and "minimal staffing" on the 23rd- and my department only gets the 24th-25th and 31-1st off? "Minimal staffing" the other days, which means that everyone with seniority will make sure they're taking their vacation time off. There is an obscene amount of vacation time given out to people around here that aren't me, it seems.

As for me, I checked my last pay stub. If I'm reading it correctly, I have about eight days' worth accrued. I'm not sure if this is right since officially I should be getting about one day a month (and took one off this month), but if I want to use them and take time off, I have to decide by Monday.

I'm not sure what to do. Take off for two weeks at Christmas (i.e. six days, since I get the rest off) and go home? Go to Dave's? Be yanked around like a pushmepullyou?

Oh yes, and remember how I said I figured that Dave would be bringing up the holiday issue again? Let's see, that took a grand total of... 2 days that he was silent about it?

This time, it was (a) maybe you could go home the weekend before and celebrate it with them then, and (b) can't you puh-leeze at least just ask her, and back down and say never mind if she throws a fit?

Well, I already know Mom's not ready to celebrate holiday-wise on the 21st. (Thanks to the work holiday party, I don't think I could leave town on the 20th.) She's still trying to catch up Dec. 24th. And as for just asking, well... lord, it hurts to just ask in my family. Even if/when I backed down, it would still cause enough terror, guilt and strife because I put the thought into her head. And I am terrified of the idea of asking! "Have you brought up the idea to her even hypothetically yet?" Hell no. No WAY. As far as I'm concerned, unless she brings it up, nothing's coming out of my mouth about it.

I swear, it's like how many times am I going to have to say no here? No, I don't WANT to get into a big war with Mom over this. I don't want to hurt her feelings, I don't want to make things even more fucked up. It's been nice not fighting with her for the most part (other than the horrible night we announced our engagement). It is not that big of a deal to me that we immediately start sharing holidays. I'll do whatever I can to NOT fight or be fought over during the holidays, thankyouverymuch.

Unfortunately, it is a big ol' deal to him. And he will keep bringing it up and bringing it up...


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