Chaos Attraction

Another Covid Scare (Sorta?)

2021-11-17, 10:14 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Thgin Gninepo - 2021-11-22
The Ship Has Sunk, I Don't Just Mean Titanic - 2021-11-21
Craft Fair Failure - 2021-11-20
Got Into The Producers - 2021-11-19
Anti-Vaxxer - 2021-11-18


Cast list as of November 2019

Another pretty slow day at work, I was not in the mood to work, etc.

I did message Scott about going to Titanic and I bought the tickets. He will meet me there circa 7:40-ish or so. I made a draft of what I want to say to him, and my therapist approved of it. She even said, "I hope he responds with a big grin and a huge hug, and a kiss, and a “I’m so happy you had the guts to say that." That is, if I have the guts to say that. I don't know how to bring this up in public in a parking lot, exactly...I may chicken out. I really don't think he's going to go for it--either says no flat out or freaks out/hedges/argues, I think. I don't want to freak him out

Is it a date if he doesn't think it's a date? Like I've been on accidental, oops-I-didn't-know-it-was-a-dates myself and hated it, so....

It's two people's birthday today: Merry's and Claire's. I texted with Merry for like an hour telling her about life and vice versa, saying we miss being in a coven, and making an appointment to talk IRL circa Sunday when her husband's out of the house at work. After work, it was Claire's birthday gaming party online, where we played something called Sushi Go. That was fun and after awhile I managed to come in second, so go me! Then there was more Lucifer watching and snarking.

Rae called, saying her dad has Covid and so far she's rapid testing negative....though then she was all "he has heart problems" and she said her dad's unvaccinated but she's had her third shot and is getting a fourth and claimed to have a dairy allergy (me: "I don't think you do, you drink Starbucks") and ah....I dunno, she seems a bit confuzzled tonight. I should probably check with her mom later on all this stuff, though. Especially if I'm taking her out Saturday. Okay, I texted her mom: yes, her dad has Covid as of Monday, her dad IS fully vaccinated. Rae was over at the house over the weekend but had a negative home test today and will get a PCR tomorrow, her mom will let me know if she's positive. The rest of the family is getting boosters next week. Greaaaaaaaaaaat, something else to worry about. I'm already scheduled to get tested Friday (would be day 3 after being around Rae), but fuck, I already bough tickets and made plans :( I'm pretty pissed that oh, nobody mentions her dad has Covid and she was around him the day before he tested positive.

Now what?

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