Chaos Attraction

Written under the influence of headache

2001-11-25, 5:01 p.m.

Bleah, I hate headaches. I just wanted to say that I'm tired of my head and neck aching already. When I can sit in my bedroom all day with the blinds closed and STILL get a sunlight headache...

Am at over 46,000 words on the novel! Hooray! Almost done! Now if I could just think up something else to say ... I know I have to mention the ex again in the chapter I'm working on (11), since she's heard from about everyone else on what just happened to her. . . I'm just not sure how I'm going to work it in. I'm hitting the "Dark Side Climax" (as I'm calling it) soon, and I need to get her right to that edge, then spring things on her. I'm almost there.

Mom called yet again, to tell me that my cousins HATE the foreign exchange student and claim she's ruined their lives because she's made things awkward at home, and the oldest one says her friends refuse to hang out with her. I got the impression from Mom that my aunt and uncle are not thrilled with the girls, but of course don't think they themselves did anything wrong. My uncle is apparently going to be mad at them for years for ruining the experience, since I guess he always wanted one and now won't get to again. Ugh. My cousins were so sweet and nice as kids-- hit puberty and then they all get snotty. Joy oh joy.

Still reading that Star Wars book, "Vision Of The Future," and it's still suckingly boring for the most part. Who woulda thought Timothy Zahn could be so dull? I've liked his other SW stuff, but damn, he can't write the Luke/Mara romance for SHIT. Practically no physical attraction going on around here, stuff's essentially kinda thrown in on the end, and Luke just proposed marriage to her AND THEY HAVEN'T EVEN KISSED YET. This is just wrong. This book's so getting thrown under my bed after I'm done.

Yes, I'm cranky. Maybe I oughta just go back to bed (though nicely enough, I DID get sleep last night for a change).

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