Chaos Attraction

Not much to say (might as well skip this one)

2001-11-28, 6:05 p.m.

Ah, here's some practice for Holidailies- writing an entry when you don't have much to say! Whee!

Damn, it's cold out. It was colder outside at 3 p.m. today than it was at 7 a.m. when I left the house. How wrong is that? Another housethumping storm predicted for tonight/tomorrow; I'm just glad I'm not picking up reports then. (There was a printout for today, but it was a measly four pages instead of 15 or so. Slow day?) Now it's raining, of course.

Heard from my best friend today- she will be in Davis Monday morning and we'll do lunch/the present exchange thing then. I could use some pick-me-up there.

Wondering if I should keep adding to the NaNo novel while I still have time to up my score (so to speak), but am not totally in the mood.

Otherwise, I've spent the day freaking about Impending Bad Thing, which I still can't talk about yet. (Anyone on 3WA chat this afternoon may have a hint as to what it is by now.) I will probably be able to talk about it after things are confirmed one way or the other, but right now I'm stuck stuck stuck in horrible limbo. I am so tired of this and having to play that everything is fine and normal all the time.

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