Chaos Attraction

The Unemployment Diaries: Day 1

2001-12-01, 9:53 a.m.

Welcome to the HoliDailies Spinster and Lunatic Unemployment Diaries! What a way to start off the month, huh? And here just a few weeks ago I figured I'd be filling the pages with anecdotes about writing endless Christmas features.

Anyway. Onward and downward, right?

I'm probably going to come back and update this page later on during the day after the parents leave (if not, it goes up tomorrow), so you might want to return later to see if anything got added on. Seems a shame to write more than one entry per day to me. Just look for a dotted line and read below it for anything new added.

I did hear from the fellow I used to work with (oh hell, I'll just mention his name, Shawn) last night after I finished writing the entry, I guess Hill had finally gotten offline. We debated doing a drinking thing, but neither of us was all that motivated to do it. Given how I'd downed an entire Fuzzy Navel in a half hour on no food that day-- and I'm (a) a sloooooow drinker and (b) a lightweight to boot -- I figured I'd better not get hungover if I was going to see the parents tomorrow. The both of us being sloshed and alone doesn't seem like the best idea either. I filled him in on what went on, he told me what happened after I left (ex-boss went around telling the newsroom clerk and the guy who has my old position that they're doing my stuff now). We are going to go to the movies tomorrow.

Right after I got off the phone with him, I heard from the best friend in SF, Jackie, who had checked her e-mail and seen the announcement. She was pretty ticked off for me, we pondered job stuff, then, much like another person recently, went into the "you should go to grad school" thing. (Note: she is applying for them now, hence why she's in town Monday to get rec letters.) She asked me if I had told the ex yet, and I said "I'm never telling him anything ever again." I actually included another friend of mine who I haven't talked to in a few months on the list of people I notified that is another ex of his, and he's (as far as I know) still friends with her. If I hear back from her about this, I'm telling her to NOT tell him anything about me. (Really, what was I thinking, telling her this?) Anyway, after that our conversation somehow went into going on about skanky celebrities, don't ask me how. When she's done Monday morning we will hang out all afternoon. Yay hanging out! Haven't seen her since she moved a few months ago, plus I get an early Christmas present! I'm so glad I bought her birthday/Christmas stuff already.

After that, I went to bed way early (9ish), being tired.

And I did not sleep.

At all.

Not even dozing.

All night.

Ah, the irony!

I wasn't even thinking about THAT, really -- I just had Giles' Wish I Could Stay song in my head the whole time. Specifically these lines:

I wish I could say the right words to lead you through this land

Wish I could play the father and take you by the hand

As usual, in times of crisis I revert to babyhood, I swear. Barely-hidden "I want Mommy and Daddy to take care of this!" feelings, ya think? Too bad my actual father can't do that. *sigh*

I finally gave up trying to sleep around sevenish and grabbed a book. Yet another WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHING storm is out today, blowing around, killing more tree branches, etc. just like before. I can't believe people back East are having nice warm weather and CALIFORNIA, of all states, is having the crappy cold rain thing. (Hopefully it'll be over before the parents leave?) I think this is getting kinda old. But hey, at least I don't have to go out in it without a car any more! Whee! (I am trying to savor these juicy moments of "Hey, there's some good things about this!") I just saw some INSANE woman outside JOGGING, wearing nothing but leggings and a long-sleeved thin shirt. No jacket, no hat, no nothing! That is so incredibly bizarre and stupid, I have no words for it.
But at least I'm not getting the feeling that the power will go out.

Nope, it didn't go out after I said that, either. Heh.

I then actually decided to have breakfast (gasp!) by nuking some Cupanoodles-- and then proceeded to spill nuked Cupanoodles all over my hand trying to get it out of the microwave. OWWWW. Burning your right hand = not a good idea. Oh, the sting.

While rifling around through papers this morning and cleaning up before the parents arrive, I kept finding lost items. Such as the gift certificate to a clothing store I won in June. It's $20, and expires at the end of December, so guess who's got something to look forward to spending?! Free shopping! (Note to self: When relatives ask for what I want this year, answer (a) money, or (b) gift certificates.) I actually found a free gift certificate to Waldenbooks in my wallet today too, but since there isn't one in this town any longer I'm still out of luck for using it. Maybe I'll go home for awhile and have Mom take me to the mall and use it at that Walden. Free shopping! I also found the CD's for my Jornada, which I haven't been able to get to sync with my main computer and thus stopped messing with months ago, then wanted to mess with it again and couldn't find it. Now I've got the time to do it! And I found this Christmas cookie making kit Mom got me buried under the laundry pile. Maybe on Tuesday I'll spend the day making very junky sugar cookies and sprinkling all kinds of sprinkles on them. Yum. Ya know, other than the lack of incoming money thing, unemployment could be fun! (At least, for awhile.)

I really do need some rest. I have been pushing myself like hell since ... last summer, I think?, and while work alone was still more restful than school and work combined, the seven a.m. thing drained me. Honestly, I didn't know even before this how I'd continue on this too-early-for-my-body schedule indefinitely. The lack of sleep thing was getting worse and worse. I have to admit that the needing rest thing doesn't exactly motivate me to go look for work this month (do people even hire in December beyond temporary holiday stuff?), but then again, a lack of jobs I have any interest in doesn't help either. I so lucked out getting hired before this, so I guess it's my turn to suffer along with everyone else. Can't be lucky forever.

I suspect that I'm going to be one of those people who just has a crappy time throughout their twenties. Which is a shame, really, because they started out lovely and have gone to pot as the years go on, and I am looking particularly lovely during this decade as well. I'll probably be one of those people who doesn't become remotely happy until their thirties and goes "Oh, god, my twenties were a nightmare! I couldn't STAND ever having to be there again!" At this point, my youth seems a thing to be endured and struggled through. Ugh.

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