Chaos Attraction

About the spinster

2001-12-02, 3:42 p.m.

(Finally updated again as of December 1, 2005.) The NAQ:

Q: So where's the title from?

A: I seem to attract trouble and chaos like flies to food.

Q: How old are you, Ms. Spinster?

A: 28.

Q: Aren't you a little young to declare yourself a spinster?

A: Perhaps, but then again, since I was a little kid I always suspected I wasn't the marrying type. I'm not real domestic and am picky as hell about guys. I got dis-engaged and once again realized that the whole engagement thing was a complete abberation, and really, God meant me to be single.

Q: What's with fullmoon?

A: I used it as my school login and it's stuck. Besides that, (a) I like full moons, (b) I was supposedly born on the night of one, which I think explains a LOT, and (c) the vaguely dirty joke thing amuses me.

Q: Why pink and purple?

A: I'm girly. Live with it. Casey created the template.

Q: Your real name, madam?

A: Jennifer. Yeah, I know, it's soooooo original. I'm bored of it myself, but nobody'll call me anything else if I change it. At least it's got plenty of variants.

Q: What do you do?

A: Jobwise, a lot of typing. Where do I work? Well, the next question will probably give you a hint... as in, what's prominent there?

Q: Living location?

A: Here.

Q: Outta college yet or one of them six-year-slackahs?

A: Done. Two degrees in design and English. In four years. Yes, I must be a glutton for punishment.

Q: So when are you going to grad school? Don't all little writer girls with glasses and no job do that?

A: Probably never. (1) no need for more degrees, (2) desperately desire to not have loans to pay off for decades, (3) except for the advanced education thing, grad school for writing sounds frustrating as hell, (4) ain't no way I'd get in with not tremendously spectacular grades and bombing out in math.

Q: Can I e-mail you?

A: I suppose, if you're not an idiot. Hence why e-mailing me is only mentioned on this page and not on the front to encourage the idiot folks.

Q: So what's with all the whining you do in here?

A: When I'm in a bad mood, I get quite loquacious and thus am drawn to the computer like a moth to a flame. Plus, a lot of bad stuff always seems to be happening to me (see journal title), so this journal isn't very cheery a lot of the time. I'm sorry about that, but that's the material I got to work with in life. Feel free to click ye olde back button and leave. However, the snarky humor factor ensures that at least you might get some amusement out of it.

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