Chaos Attraction

Almost Gone

2002-01-04, 6:52 p.m.

Well, the Internet here works now, and right before I leave, too. (Dad just asked me if I was going to get off soon, and I said NO!) Fortunately, the repair guy came during Mom's lunch hour and didn't take real long, so no need to worry about Dad and me being left with him and Dad throwing a hissy or something.

Mom's the one throwing a hissy today- she came home and was smilingly SEETHING about how I didn't do the dishes for her. So sue me, this didn't really occur to me at all, but she was in a rage, going on about how it would have been a "special treat" for her had I done them, and now she shouldn't bother doing anything nice for me at all... yeah, just like last week, huh? (Man, the day someone doing the dishes for me becomes a "special treat," shoot me. Then again, this comes from someone who does NOT like people she doesn't live with doing her dishes.)

What else can I say? Dad and I keep on watching movies, I'm more impressed with Crossing Over as I watch it a bit more, I finally checked e-mail and was surprised that (a) nobody's sent any e-mail since Dec. 31? Is it working right? and (b) I haven't heard from someone I was expecting to hear from. Actually, I'm kinda happy about that, as I'm not in the mood for more pressure to be put upon me.

And now I've just ticked Mom off. Sigh. "You'd better not expect me to talk to you privately tonight now!" she griped. Ugh. I don't think I'll ever understand the housewife mentality. And I didn't want to ruin my last night here, either.

Yup, I ruined it, all right. She just came in here: "We're going to Arby's. Do you want anything?" Then it's "Do you have any money?" "Um, I'll just eat something here." Then she DEMANDED that I do five nice things for her before tomorrow or I can't go back. And NO, she won't give me any goddamn hints. Why can't she just accept that I have no clue when it comes to doing household crap for her and what she wants? She's downright nasty right now.

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