Chaos Attraction

You're Not Gonna Believe This!

2002-02-01, 7:14 p.m.

Oh my lord.

You guys are NOT gonna believe this. I am still in shock myself. Flabbergasted, even.

The phone rang at 9 a.m., when I was dozing the morning away. I figure "Eh, it�s for Hill, probably, she can go get it," and didn�t get up. She answers, then in a minute goes, "Jennifer? It�s (name taken out here for obvious reasons) from the university."

Remember that job the other day? The one I didn�t get? That would be the lady in charge.

"Huh? Why on earth would she be calling me NOW?"

Their first choice had "a change of circumstances." So I got it!

And I shall be making literally double the money that I used to make! No need to worry about not paying rent now- I shall have tons of savings and not need to sweat about anything for months and months!


Monday morning, 9 a.m.!

Okay, NOW my tarot cards made sense after all!

Like a minute after I got off the phone with her, thinking "Eek, where the hell is my Social Security card?", Scott called, and I was all babbling in shock to him.

"Damn, now we don�t get to kidnap you after all. Can you tell them you�ll start on Wednesday?"

"No. But they sound flexible about hours, so maybe I�ll take a 3-day weekend and come up later."

He said I should wait until they got up there on Saturday to tell her that I got a job, or else she might back out of the trip. Eeep.

My guess is that Demma was out of the house for the day� again, sounds like things aren�t so happy there, or at least she�s being difficult. (She mentioned last night that she�d been looking for something and was cranky and "taking it out on him." I was all "Eeep" then too.) She is pretty damn adamant about no more depression drugs or counseling. He reiterated that if things don�t work out with her, he�d like to date me. Um, ok, we�ll see. Eeep. He wished I�d stayed at their place longer. (Oh well.) And if he ever gets a license and a car, he�d like to visit.

I found out a few other things that I don�t think I�m going to say in a journal entry, other than er, the surprises kept on continuing, and the nature of open relationships is um, interesting. I did find out that David is apparently fine with the open relationship thing as long as no commitments are made. Uh-huh. And apparently this would be why Scott felt fine fixing him up with me- he could get time in when he wants to and all will be fine. Interesting.

I really wanted to ask Scott about the tarot readings I�ve been getting, but er, I couldn�t get his mind on that :P I think I�ll wait and ask on Saturday. By the way, I didn�t ever mention what kind of tarot card reading I got on Wednesday. But since things turned out the way they did, I think I�ll mention it so you can see what I got and how it worked out:

Gypsy Wish spread- question was "Will I get the job today?"

First three cards: conditions surrounding the wish

1: Ace of Swords reversed- don�t force or apply pressure to situation

2: 3 of Swords reversed- will work through difficult time quickly

3: Hanged Man reversed- time to let go of the past. Slowing down inevitable events.

(Now didn�t THAT work out?)

Second three cards: the goal of the wish

4: Page of Swords R- sudden event, unpredictable behavior. The truth comes out.

5: Ace of Pentacles- beginning of prosperity, new direction in career, gift of money?

6: Hermit- silent counsel, wise advice.

(Again, pretty close, huh?)

Third three cards: opposition to wish, if any.

7: Fool- entering a situation with optimism, fresh slate.

8: Emperor- need to develop leadership skills

9: 5 of Wands reversed- harmony will prevail, problem solving, new opportunities.

(Huh, still sounding accurate!)

Next three cards- I�m not sure what these are supposed to be.

10: 9 of Swords- despair and anxiety, surrounded by bad situation.

11: 10 of Cups reversed- delays ahead before anything goes well.

12: 3 of Wands- being offered help.

(Was that last night or WHAT?!)

Last set of three: What will come into your life.

13: 8 of Swords reversed- relax from your fears.

14: 8 of Pentacles- move ahead quickly because of your talents.

15: 9 of Pentacles reversed- fear about low income.

(In short, the only one that doesn�t seem to be accurate is the last card, or at least I�m not worrying about it now!)

It looks like I might be able to keep unemployment going while employed if I�m under 40 hours a week (which sounds likely), but finding this out for sure turned out to be impossible. I made some attempts at calling the unemployment number, which wouldn�t let me talk to a person because their total number alloted for people has been filled up. Great, now when the hell am I supposed to call them? At work? Gah. Guess I gotta attempt to call them at 8 a.m. or something on Monday.

After that, I decided to do a CELEBRATORY SHOPPING SPREE!

I got a bit carried away, of course. I was originally going to go out and find a nice card game to buy, but wasn�t feeling so into the ones I saw. I then was thinking about hitting a bookstore, but wandered into the local hippie store next door, where I spent a happy hour looking around. I ended up leaving with Astrology for Dummies (hey, I might as well educate myself on this) and a tiny pentacle necklace. So cute, so cheap, and so rare to find (according to the owner). I then went to the magazine store and looked around for more magazines for my tarot collage. It was great fun.

I am wondering how tomorrow�s gonna go with the whole fixup thing and all. I tried doing a "what�s in store for my weekend" reading and came up with a generally good sounding weekend with "more to this than meets the eye" and The Tower (unexpected event of who knows what kind) thrown in. Eep. Trying a "will we like each other?" reading came out with some good friendmaking stuff, combined with unpredictable behavior, not being sensitive to the needs of others (I�m not sure who that�s about), fear of emotions and the biggie, "turbulent time for romance, emotions aren�t shared equally, fear of getting involved." Sigh. My usual problem, of course. He�ll probably adore me and I�ll not feel the same is my guess. Ugh, I don�t want that to happen, thankyouverymuch. I�m so tired of feelings being unequal like that.

But who knows. We�ll see. Let�s hope things aren�t really awkward tomorrow. This is my er, first official fixup (unofficial fixups I managed to duck), so I�ll already be nervous about that anyway. It'll be real awkward if it doesn't come off mutually one way or the other. Let's hope it doesn't.

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