Chaos Attraction

To Make Things Easier, Make Them Harder!

2022-02-02, 4:32 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Beating Up Bunnies - 2022-02-07
Assume The Position - 2022-02-06
Might I Introduce You To The Piss Wall? - 2022-02-05
Two Anniversaries? - 2022-02-04
Just A Suck Day - 2022-02-03


Cast list as of November 2019

Today is the 20 year anniversary of meeting my last ex-boyfriend. It has literally been TWENTY YEARS since I met anyone I would want to be with who wanted to be with me back. TWENTY FUCKING YEARS, Y'ALL.


(a) "To make things easier," I now have to bring (a) a laptop, (b) a mouse (c) a keyboard, and (d) a docking station, every day I have to go into the office. As my online cronies have pointed out, isn't the point of a laptop to not have to haul all of that shit too? They can't have a loaner mouse/keyboard (and especially) the docking station there?!

There is a desktop RIGHT HERE that we are just supposed to not use any more because....???

I note that my job involves the use of two giant monitors and REALLY REALLY REALLY SHOULD NOT BE DONE ON A TINY LAPTOP. I have NEVER wanted a laptop for work, I do not NEED it when we had a desktop at home and an office loaner. This laptop is SMALL because we're supposed to pretend it's a large portable drive, apparently.

(b) This was my first day back in the office hauling this crap, which was so big I could not zip my backpack hauling it all. I walk to work because the reason why I live as close as I do and pay the rent that I do is so I don't have to drive to work, and what will happen when it eventually rains on a workday?

(c) When I got here, GUESS WHAT, THE DOCKING STATION SETUP DOES NOT WORK. It appears to be missing a cord, so I can only get one monitor to work, not two, which boils down to "I have to work on the TINY LAPTOP SCREEN only." Nobody believes me when I say it doesn't work. I note that Dianna also had to go into the office today (I didn't see her really but did walk by her office station) and she couldn't get both monitors to work either. Meanwhile, Hope is all "I got it to work fine, just use the HDMI cables, you don't need anything else!" and I'm all "I literally plugged it in like you said to, IT DID NOT WORK."

(d) Nor does Zoom work today, as somehow the sound does not work on this setup despite the sound on my laptop being cranked 100%. I had to do the morning meeting off my phone. Now people want me to actually do work on large scale screens on Zoom later today and on Friday, but guess what? Gonna have to use that desktop, which I finally got permission to do halfway through the day.

(e) I haven't even mentioned that the new keyboard has "action keys" that make me completely unable to do things like "hit save" in the database I have to work on, and because I'm not an admin, I can't disable them.


None of the managers in my area were here today, so I couldn't get any of this shit handled really. I ranted to my boss for like 10 minutes today and she said we'll both be in on Friday and can deal with it then. As usual, I'm the only one that has problems with anything. Also the Internet stopped working on Firefox, but not Chrome, during lunch, SO THAT WAS FUN TOO.

And they wonder why people quit? We had two people quit today: Hope announced it today that she was going back to Other Giant Org and looked about as happy as announcing that she was having extensive dental surgery. She has said very little, by which I mean next to nothing, about the job. Just think about it: she went through I lost track of how many interviews (five, I think, at least?) for like over a year or whatever to get a job here, and THIS PLACE IS SO BAD THAT SHE'S QUITTING TO GO BACK. As for the other quitter, it's the manager of my old unit, who's now going back to the East Coast. Well, good luck with that. Too bad it's not my bully who's moving on there, sigh. I wonder if there's ever 100% turnover in that unit (she's the only one left from the bad old days), if I'd ever have a hope in hell of applying the next time there's a job opening. Probably not.

Other than that, I got hounded by yet more international clientele, did as many emails as I could stand and then refused to do any more of them, and spent the rest of the day keying a boring list, looking up stuff online, and getting yet another covid test.


I signed up for something called "The Great Yarn Challenge," which is 6 weeks of projects on a topic. Like I have time for this? NO I DO NOT, but let's do it anyway so I can feel like I'm in the yarn version of Making It.

I got a brief note from Meg today, sending me a heart, saying that due to omicron she's locked in again, sigh. Other than that, crafting away.

Rehearsal: Act 1 Finale.

Steve has the rich people huddle in a football huddle, which some are ridiculously excited about. "How many people have never played sports?" he asked.

Steve to Paul: "Do not kill all the actors." (then thinks of The Producers) "Kill all the actors!"

Amy apologizes to Dannette for briefly running into her somehow. "After getting smacked with a bench during The Producers, this is nothing," she responds.

Bobby has to high-five all the poor. "You left Katrina hanging, she started to cry," said Steve. "It was sad!" said Katrina.

Steve said something along the lines of "the top of a baby's head has a reset button, until six months you can return them." Sofia: "Is this the same baby I give birth to later?"

Sierra asks (as a member of "the rich" but playing Hope who's into Bobby) if she should be pointing at Bobby, shaming him, or not. Clocky grabs her arm and points it for her.

I note that Katrina not only has a shirt from Titanic, SHE HAS A TITANIC MASK ON. Where does one GET that? That's the most matchy I've ever seen!

"I was glad nobody was in here when I was doing those today. I was holding my own hand." -Steve "How romantic." -me "It was." -him

"It's the personal space line of 1959." -Steve

Have Hugo and Tomas seen Doctor Who? No. "Nerd fail," I said. Steve: "You will be Cybermen. I'll show you how to do that."

"If you can run down those things in 7 inch heels, that'd be great." -Steve to Katrina.

After Sofia delivers a line about not agreeing to have anything done to her body, in kind of a NY accent, Morgan cracks up. "I can't tell if it's the voice or that she's pregnant." Steve to Paul: "When you high five everyone, high five her belly."

"There is a barricade of toilets in front of you." -Steve

I guess this bit was from the previous show...? "In the video, the dress flipped up over your face and you flipped it back." -Steve to Hugo. Morgan: "He's a gentleman, okay?!"

"Am I just butterflies and unicorns right now?" -Sierra. (No.)

"THIS is where the toilet brigade comes out, because this is where Les Mis starts." -Steve

"Does Old Man Strong die differently every time?" -Kyle

Steve to Marie: "Don't get rid of your flag. You're going to use it to beat Tomas up." Morgan: "Don't I get to beat them up?" (Not until act 2). Steve: "So, Amy, you get beat up by Morgan." Morgan: "Do I get a cast? Can it say Connor on it?"

Morgan is wearing a Wandavision shirt, Hugo is poking her in it. "How dare you do that to our queen and savior?" she says.

"Feel free to yank me." -Sierra
"Yank Me, Spank Me." -Steve
"I walked into that one." -Sierra

In this song, Barrel gets beaten up in slow motion. "You looked like you were going to kill him, it scared me." -Steve to Marie.

"How'd you guys get off so fast?" -Clocky on the slow-mo running at the end.

Shorthaired Sarah, playing the ghost of Old Man Strong, yells "oh, what a world, what a world..."

"It's like you're giving birth to a My Pillow!...Well, that just went flat." -Steve

I reallllllly shouldn't have screamed so much at the end. Bad idea!

You know your life is fucked when the best part of your day is pretending to be in a dystopia....

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