Chaos Attraction

Assume The Position

2022-02-06, 4:45 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Late Christmas? - 2022-02-11
I Shouldn't Have Volunteered - 2022-02-10
I Hate Everyone Today. - 2022-02-09
Choreographed Murder - 2022-02-08
Beating Up Bunnies - 2022-02-07


Cast list as of November 2019

Same kinda day: woke up too early, took the class, still didn't understand the math, sigh.

Set construction, day 2: didn't really end up painting anything, but I did spend the morning gluing trash to the set. I did raid my complex's recycling on the way there (oh yeah, like that didn't look weird to the neighbors walking dogs) and some folks brought a bit more trash (notably, Paul brought some Scott TP that I put to good use including stashes of), but mostly I ended up going through every trash can in the building, most of which had been cleared out. I did find a lot of drink containers--mostly in the orchestra pit trash--and got some random pipes, a beat up brush, a toilet snake, etc. to throw in as well.

I ended up throwing in a lot of Producers Easter eggs on the first side I decorated, which Steve noted and appreciated:
* Producers flier
* Old lady photo of Dannette (she liked it)
* The photo of Nate in a dress for advertising a drink at the bar. Nate will not be thrilled with that, but oh well. It amused others and that's what I care about.
* My old Giant Org parking pass with my name on it.
* I found a piece of paper Isaiah scribbled on that was basically a love letter to himself. Like, who finds you hot, everyone...something like that. Total mystery on writing that one...
* I used the Scott TP wrapping paper for Scott, hah hah. (Yes, I texted him a photo of this, he said "Fun!")
* As for the other side of the set,. it's originally covered in script/sheet music from the show, not that you can see that so well once I started covering them with bottles and cans.

There's a few Easter eggs for this cast too--Paul's name on something is thrown in and I found a piece of paper with two clocks on it and asked Clocky if he wanted an Easter egg. He said no, but I threw it in anyway. I pretty much forgot I'd have to do the second side since that was still being worked on when I came in and I needed more papers. Anyway, Steve likes it, so yay there. I asked for credit in the program about it :P

Other than that, I had to get my costumes redone (Jean poached my dress for Jan, sigh...apparently Jan is picky on costumes or something and mine was the only acceptable one) and I hauled some lumber around and attempted to assist people in moving stuff out of storage in general. I got invited to the marketing meeting (not sure why....?), but elected to leave instead since I never left to get lunch today and was finally hungry by 4. Then I went home and ate an entire meat and cheese platter I bought yesterday :P

Other people were doing construction-y things? Paul and his husband Carlos* Amy painted the "Public Amenity #9" sign, Sofia was designing the graffiti--Defund Lockstock and Barrel, Occupy UGC, Cladwell Lied, People Died, stuff like that. She tested spraypainting and did not like it, so she may do something else. Other possible graffiti would be the formula for urine, then "equals H20," and possibly involving question marks and the word "profit!" Clocky suggested a Urine Games.

Amusingly enough, Paul and look REALLY alike. Like Carlos is slightly taller and has brown eyes rather than blue, but they have similar builds/coloration/English accents. I was talking to Carlos absentmindedly at some point while gluing and didn't notice which one I was specifically talking to, hah hah. Isn't it kinda cute when the SO's look alike?

I note that ALL the weekends in February (okay, so next weekend and then the Saturday after that) are all designated as set building. I kinda figured they'd do two weekends (I think the toilet brigade doesn't arrive until next week?) but three...oy. Oh well, I don't have too much going on those weekends anyway.

Fun facts I learned today:

(a) They are doing Beauty and the Beast, kids' version, right now. I asked why they were doing B&B right now and then doing the adult version in the fall when they did Shrek and Shrek Jr. at the same time, and Jean said it was because they use a lot of the same costumes for the teenagers. Makes sense.

(b) Some of the parents from the kids' program were around doing set stuff. I threw in a kids show program as a tribute in the trash pile and one of the parents did not like that. Sigh.

(c) Clocky pays $750 for rent because his mom owns his house. Ahem.

(d) Clocky said he got covid despite wearing an N95 on the plane, Jean said she got it (asymptomatically) from barely having contact with someone. There was a lot of musing as to how the hell people get it or not. Steve said he can't wait for this to be over but doesn't think it will ever be over, and I agree.

(e) Steve said to Paul, "all the girls sighed when you said you have a husband." Legit.

(f) Evan says he SHRINKS and has a different height every time he goes to the doctor. "I'm 6'1 last time I went, previously I was 6'3. Must be the estrogen." I don't know what to say to that.

(g) Steve and Jan went to see "Our Town" in Woodland last night. THEY DID NOT LIKE IT. I think specifically the show in general more than the production. "It was the most depressing thing I've ever seen, and I didn't care," Steve said. I concur there.

(h) Originally the play took place in 2023, 20 years after they did it in 2003. I guess now we're doing it in 2027?

(i) Someone gave money for a confetti cannon for Footloose ("a show we are never doing again") and there's STILL confetti around from 2008.

(j) Going out to eat hasn't been going well for Steve lately. The other night they wanted to go out to Tres Hermanas, which I declined because that place sucks. While there, the owner was throwing a party for his birthday and being super loud and nobody could tell him to stop it. I don't think they're going back there again :P Then last night he and Jan and Dannette went to Denny's, Steve really had to pee, and went in to find out that someone had shat in the urinal. He turned around, was all "WE'RE LEAVING," and peed elsewhere. Several of us felt bad for the poor employee forced to clean that up.

(k) They have done 400 shows, about 150 of them and then repeating them.

(l) Katrina was on Wheel of Fortune and everyone was all "Our Katrina?" "Note that we all take possession of her," Steve said.


"It looks like the workplace there has been peed on for years." -Steve on the set.

"This is an extremely clean show. No language. It's clean enough so kids can enjoy it and it's bathroom humor." -Steve.

"Ready for more nonsense and shenanigans?" -Clocky. Me: always.

Kyle was sweeping the floor. Clocky: "Oh, I found my old metal straw."
Steve: "I'll give you a nickel to lick it."
Kyle: "You can find a nickel from what I'm sweeping here."

Steve: "This set is one giant Easter egg."
Clocky: "That's why we say, don't be the bunny."

I'm not sure about the beginning of this story, but I walked back in to hear Sofia staying "Both of us of Hispanic descent hoping nobody sees us trying to break into a car." I assume it was more innocent than it sounded :P

"As a 12 year old, this is a perfect show for me." -Steve

Steve sang, "I'm not picky, I'm Jewish."

Jean noticed that Clocky's shoe was untied (I don't think he cared) and Clocky was all, "Jean, eyes are up here."

Clocky: "The only b-word you should call a woman is beautiful. Bitches love that shit." (I texted this to Scott and he said "Classic!" Is this like, a thing that goes around locker rooms or something? And yet, I laughed.)

Steve on pandemics: "People need to stop having sex with bats."
Me: "How?"
Steve: "Don't ask."

Rehearsal: "What Is Urinetown?" which turns out to be a bunch of different scenes and mini-dance numbers. The evil rich do disco fingers, Bobby and his mom do the hand jive and Gangnam Style and Bobby does a cartwheel, and Little Sally scares the shit out of Lockstock. Meanwhile, the ensemble do Fiddler-style dances, I'm not entirely sure where we are doing what exactly as of yet. But some people are going to get on their knees (including the pregnant character) like Andy did in the last show (I refused), I volunteered to push Hope/Sierra in the chair during it. Oh, and they're supposed to have TP on their heads in lieu of bottles.


"Look at this really disgusting set we have. With the pipes, it looks like Gaston's bar." -Steve

"Hope, assume the position." -Steve

Hugo was late coming in, so Steve imitated him.

On Hope in the chair: "I don't want you to touch her, but I want everyone to violate her personal space." -Steve

Steve again: "Do babies come from cabbage patches?" Sierra gets up to get a pencil: "She escaped!" "You can kick people." Sierra: "Great!" At one point Steve finally notices the yellow paint puddles on the floor, I try to say we should leave them in. Steve is all, Hope peed her chair. Clocky blamed it on Katrina (not here) having Taco Bell.

Apparently Fipp is paying $700 to pee in the script. Clocky suggests that at Christmas they get a "for ten pees, get one free" punch card.

Steve and Sierra again: "Hope, go get tied up."
"I know."
"Assume the position."
"It's kinda fun, actually...."

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