Chaos Attraction

Beating Up Bunnies

2022-02-07, 4:51 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Wee The Peeple - 2022-02-12
Late Christmas? - 2022-02-11
I Shouldn't Have Volunteered - 2022-02-10
I Hate Everyone Today. - 2022-02-09
Choreographed Murder - 2022-02-08


Cast list as of November 2019

Work: on the good news side, one of our new temps got hired permanently! Huzzah! The other position is STILL WATIING ON HR. And I guess our office wanting to get rid of the BigBoss candidates didn't work, because the one I preferred is flying in for a manager meeting Wednesday morning.

On the not great side, apparently our new younger employees have been ah. spacing out and not paying attention in training and are not equipped to work independently by now. Geeez. One of our temps (who used to be one, she's on contract) said she was answering questions on the same topic for an hour and then when she asked the kid watching her what she'd do, got "I dunno...." and she wasn't paying attention. Geeez.

Covid has rampaged through Grandboss's relatives again...but somehow she didn't get it, despite being around toddlers and not being vaccinated. I don't even know how that works.

Other than that, got asked weird questions I didn't know, had yet more international demand for rushing Important Documents...sigh.

Rehearsal: Snuff That Girl, Run Freedom Run, and the actual talking bits that I have no lines in in between those.

"Aaaah, the theater's broken!" -Karam, no context

Steve tells us we're being far too nice to Hope and need to keep violating her personal space. "My personal space is violated this entire show." -Sierra.

Steve tells Sofia to put on the pregnancy belly.
Sofia: "I'm already wearing it right now."
Everyone turns to look at Kyle, who is all, "I'm going to throw something at you."

Tonight's songs were dubbed "West Side Story and Sweeney Todd, all at once."

Steve: "I don't listen to Marie anyway."
Marie: "I knew that."
Steve: "I meant for you not to hear that."

Sofia on the pillow: "This feels wrong." and "I've never been pregnant, I don't know what it feels like."
Steve: "There's a YouTube video."
There's a running gag about Sofia having a baby hand stick out at some point. I'm not sure how actually serious this is, but at one point Sofia said, "Now where do you want me to keep the hand that you want to come out?" and Morgan, presumably hearing this for the first time, was all "TOTALLY DO IT!!!"

Sofia on spreading her legs onstage: "I won't be putting on a show except for the one we're putting on."

Morgan makes a note to self: "Remember, Morgan, DO NOT LOOK AT SIERRA."

"If I like it, it's my idea." -Steve

"They really do like beating up bunnies in this show." -Jan

Kyle on Paul's musical direction: "If he does something really weird, follow him."

Steve has 4900 friends on Facebook and has already friended the composer of Urinetown and forgotten about it. Fun fact: saw Isaiah and Nate before rehearsal (I presume Isaiah was getting a DVD or something, Nate was dropping Sherilyn off) and apparently Isaiah knew the composer of Urinetown in his NYC days.

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