Chaos Attraction

In Which I Feel Incompetent

2002-02-19, 11:01 p.m.

Remember how zonked I was on Friday? Well, the work I did that day got corrected today� and "Were you having a bad day on Friday?" Suffice it to say there's some annoyance at my rampant bad mistakes, followed by some "Um, you're really not going to be able to go back and correct things later once you get officially started here." Man, I felt so bad. Like they should fire my incompetent ass right away because I suck, and then I started doing the old cycle of "I got laid off, I suck, they should fire me from this because I suck," blah blah. Until I realized that a fair amount of the stuff that I was getting in trouble for was how to label some classes. While there's a fair amount of stuff that does correspond to this school's classes, the ones that don't aren't always so easy to label. You're supposed to give them a general "unassigned" label and a subject code, and they gave me a list of where some classes/subjects were likely to go if they didn't have a school equivalent. However� this list is missing a good chunk of things, plus it's confusing. Why some things are listed as one thing and then are supposed to be another, I have no idea. No bloody wonder I'm confused. At any rate, I was in a crabbyass mood all day long and wishing I wasn't in Davis and the weather sucked. I stupidly decided to go to the store after work on foot, and it was very windy, semi-rainy (that kind of weather where you're not sure whether or not to leave up the umbrella because it's sprinkly and nasty out, but not hard raining) and SLIPPERY. I nearly fell a few times, and my work slacks are gonna need a dry-cleaning. Sigh.

Finished off the night in a better mood after talking to the boy, in which I found out that Scott and Demma's car just died and presumably they won't be seen around for awhile (can't afford to fix it once again), his parents like me, and some other randomness and schmoopyness and whines that I wish I was with him and all that. You know the drill by now, I think. I'm amazed I managed to even get these entries (finally) done after talking to him for a few hours, eating, catching up on my web surfing, cleaning the bathroom, etc. I have short nights, but at least I feel cheered up when I go to bed.

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