Chaos Attraction

Don't Swear In Front Of A Reporter

2002-03-07, 9:41 p.m.

I had a very productive day at work today. No mental lapses, no strong temptation to go surf elsewhere, no "please get me out of here so I can go HOME" moments at 1:30 p.m. I like that, let's keep it up. Though I ended up spending most of the day just tallying how many students went to X type of school, how many went to Y type, etc. I thought I'd done it wrong at one point, but it turns out I didn't! Yay!

Yes, wasn't THAT just a fascinating paragraph?

I was completely amused the other day at the school newspaper's profile of the not-so-illustrious student body president. Basically their slate of people won last year, then got busted three times for campaign violations and were kicked out, then somehow it got overturned so they won again, and ever since he got in the SBP has been pissing off people left and right. Sadly, all attempts at getting him kicked out again have failed. He's always struck me as a major rabble-rousin', mouth-shootin', trouble-raising type, and boy, did this article confirm it. It starts out with all the big shot nicknames the guy has for himself (he seems to think he's the next Caesar, etc.), which is just odd. And he's quoted ON THE FRONT PAGE as calling the next student body president and VP assholes and claiming they rip off posters. Brilliant move, dude. I don't care if you swear and are a minister at the same time, but for crying out loud, DON'T SWEAR IN FRONT OF A REPORTER. That's just STUPID. So today's Aggie had all kinds of letters (and one editorial) from people, one of whom is a friend of Hill's, all writing in to say that they'll be thrilled when this guy gets out of office. Hee!

I had a happy little book shopping spree (yay gift certificates) for the trip tomorrow- bought three books and a copy of the new Bitch magazine. Lord, but I needed new reading material for the travel.

Hill's got all her buddies over for a barbecue tonight, but the most interesting thing tonight was when some random guy she met on the bus once asked her out tonight. Woo hoo Hill!

Ended up talking to Jeremy and Nikki on the phone tonight along with Dave (they came over for awhile). I ended up hearing what exactly Nikki had done to get in trouble at game last week ("we were trying to be acknowledged, but we got caught and banned again."), how their eloping wedding went last weekend (she recommends it), and that she's pregnant, but they think it might be a tubal pregnancy (they don't know yet). Eeep. What a week for them, huh? No wonder Jeremy sounded tired.

The last vampire game (at least at that location) is tomorrow, and apparently my character in the crazy family is the only one (who was there during the first disastrous week) that ISN'T banned any more, so I can come back. Other family members who didn't show up that week presumably can come, but Scott, Demma, Nikki and Julia's have to stay away. Phew. I also ended up hearing more about the odd Sabbat game, which isn't sounding so bad. Apparently acting crazy at that is er, much more appreciated. Okay then. I am amused to hear that the character Dave's coming up with for it is going to be a short mad scientist (Dave's a very tall fella.). I'll probably work on mine this weekend at some point, that and hopefully check out all of these infamous Sims.

I can't wait to go tomorrow.

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