Chaos Attraction


2002-03-15, 10:28 p.m.

Boy, is Demma having issues. Apparently in addition to the depression, it's suspected that she's finally inherited the family diabetes... and she's having symptoms.

And no, she REFUSES to go to the doctor about that too. She doesn't want diabetes, she's petrified of needles, and she doesn't want to go without sugar for her entire life. Never mind that they're working on pills, you can still eat sugar, and this'll kill you if you don't go get it treated, she still won't acknowledge the whole thing. Good god, is she gonna have to get so sick she has to go to the hospital before she'll do anything about this? You can't ignore diabetes and pretend you don't have it and hope it goes away! Yes, diabetes sucks, but as she and I both know from parental experience, there's a hell of a lot worse (and guaranteed fatal) diseases you could get instead! It's not that I don't sympathize- it runs in my family too- but this is too bad to stubbornly ignore. It's a shame she's too strong for a bunch of us to gang up on her and drag her to a doctor or something.

She was bloody cranky when I got home, deciding on the spur of the moment that we would not be going to the Renaissance Faire because they can't afford it and claiming she'd told Scott this before (she hadn't, it was news to everyone), then changing her mind. She'd apparently slept all day pretty much and then didn't want to move off the couch all night. She got better after she finally had some food and got to watch Charmed on TV, fortunately. I am wondering if we'll even leave my house today if things are bad again, though. We're supposed to go find me a faire skirt after I get off work and then leave to avoid traffic, but I really don't know if this'll happen.

We're worried.

Scott and I went out to go look for stuff to make for dinner and he was so distraught he didn't, well, try to get any affection out of me. (Yes, this is a shocker.) The whole thing is driving him nuts. Having been there many a time and oft myself, I know how frustrating it is when there's nothing you can do to get them to do ANYTHING to get out of the situation. I know how you stop losing your ability to sympathize and just progressively get madder and madder at them the longer things go on. I know how it all goes to hell. Though from what I hear about what she's done to him, I started feeling damn glad that the ex dumped me when it was coming on instead of staying with me while he got worse.

Poor Dave finished moving today, and apparently had so much stuff in his room he couldn't use the bed, and his dresser was out in the backyard. Or something like that anyway, it was all very muddled. Poor guy.

Though something embarrassing for me did come up- we were talking about how it's kinda embarrassing to bring your packed stuff for the weekend along to work, and I said something like "everyone here is just like "Oh, you're going to see the boy again?" And he's all "The boy? That's... generic." I get the feeling he doesn't like that kind of reference, though I thought it was cute. I think he'd rather be labeled "the boyfriend" or something, though I said "Well, it's OBVIOUS to everyone!" Eep. I guess I should lay off the use of that or something.

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