Chaos Attraction

The Art Of The Possible

2022-03-23, 7:17 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
It's Hell Week Again - 2022-03-28
The Baby Went Flying - 2022-03-27
Beauty and the Beast Jr. - 2022-03-26
Watching Bridgerton - 2022-03-25
Out Of Cope Today - 2022-03-24


Cast list as of November 2019

I slept over 8 hours today!!!!

7:45 a.m. I feel completely normal and sane. Let's see how long that lasts at work.
12:42: Of the two people who hate my guts, one of them agreed to pay up without arguing with me any more (yay, though so far they haven't done it) and the other is demanding to talk to my supervisor. Service is so awesome. I can't tell you how much I look forward to spending HOURS in microfilm for this person tomorrow.
3:12 p.m. My boss got fed up with all this drama and had Lioness (who's in today) go through the microfilm, thank gawd. Of course, right after she found the evidence, the other department was all "yes, we can prove that." I'm rolling my eyes at this.
4:36 p.m. The nightmare is now over, but my boss wants another one-on-one tomorrow, presumably to tell me how I'm a horrible service failure again. I can't do anything right here.

I got my 10 minute play festival schedule--TWO weeks of tech week?! Da fuck? I was told ONE week. Why on earth does something that short need two weeks when musicals just do one? Scott reacted similarly and said he was going to ask why they needed two weeks of tech week instead of one, was it because of the music? Asked him if he had to do 2 weeks of tech for the 10 minute play festival in 2020, but no answer, of course :P

It's the first day of 80 degree weather (thank you, global warming) and I just realized I'm pretty much out of new razors! Since stores have pretty much stopped carrying new blades, or lock them up, or some stupid shit since pre-pandemic, I'm ordering via Amazon. I feel pretty stupid doing that, but that still seems more efficient and faster than waiting for someone at Wal-Mart to unlock the cabinet :P So I've pruned for the spring and repainted my toenails, so my legs can go out in public again in a reasonable fashion.

I had to drive to my covid test today and on the way out, my car remote battery--I note it's the spare one since this already happened to the other one--said it was at 0% again. The hell? So when I got back I called SpeeDee to ask if they could fix it (specifically I couldn't figure out how to get the damn thing open to change it and suspected the car makers might have done that deliberately to force you to spend more $$$) and the guy said they refer people to the dealer--OR to Ace Hardware. I tried calling both places and got no answer. However, a book I ordered came in, so I decided to hit Ace while I was out and the key guy helpfully managed to open the darned things and put in new batteries for $10. HUZZAH.

I also got a new book, two snarky bird stickers, and an oracle deck that somehow psychically insisted on going home with me and wouldn't let me put it down, even though I wasn't very impressed with it? It's some kind of love celebrity oracle with short pithy sentences. I usually like 'em a little more complicated. Oh well, I guess.

Rehearsal: was only there for an hour or so for "The Art Of The Possible." Scott did come up and hug me, but we didn't do much else in the way of conversation. I wasn't sure why the hell me and three others (the Sierras and Arielle) were in an Obviously Males Only Number, but apparently we're just supposed to twirl onstage and bring chairs on and off (it's some kind of Peron musical chairs thing) and kill time for the men to change clothes on. I do get to take Scott's chair away :P It seems very silly.

I will note that Scott is one of the revolving door men in "Goodnight And Thank You" and apparently has to not only cuddle with Evita, he has to zip his shirt into his zipper and then fix that in public. I about died laughing when I heard that. Basically, he gets to be a manwhore in this show. Woulda loved to have asked his reaction to THAT, but didn't get to at the end of the night. Or find out if he ever heard back about "do we REALLY need 2 nights of tech week?" either, darn it. Kind of annoying when others are coming out at the same time talking, on that score.

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