Chaos Attraction


2002-03-28, 8:07 p.m.

(beginning written at work, after the line is later on tonight)

I've gotten NOTHING done this week. I really need to do laundry (if I ever save up enough quarters). I really need to go through my clothes and decide which ones are going back home Friday night. I really need to pack. I really need to do the household chores. I really need to post some damn entries (which obviously I will have done by the time you read this!). Etc., etc., etc.

Yet what have I done during my nights? Either (a) been buying stuff, (b) on the phone, or (c) EATING.

Seriously, the food thing is becoming a problem. (Notify list people may as well just skip this section, you've already heard it.) During the weekends, I have hardly any appetite at all lately. (Probably a good thing at times.) But on weekdays, lordy, I feel like that talking plant yelling to be fed. Work, despite my doing nothing but sit on my butt and haul large files around, seems to bring it on. Regardless of whether or not I eat anything for (ugh) breakfast, I start being HUNGRY during the 8 a.m. hour. That's not hungry, that's HUNGRY. (Picture Animal from the Muppets screaming to get the right mental tone for the word here.) As in my stomach seems to be screaming at me to feed it, feed it a lot, feed it RIGHT NOW- and I can't, because it's only 8:30 and I don't even get break till around 10. I'm pretty much HUNGRY until the end of lunch, even if I've raided the vending machine before then. Hence why I have no laundry money, because it's all going towards food. My stomach'll shut up for a few hours after that, but once I get home it starts up again. I ate for three hours last night!

Tonight I've got tons to get done and I suspect it just won't all get done unless I stay up half the night. Doesn't help either that Hill's brother is coming here to stay tonight, so there's a bit of a distraction, and Survivor's on, and I know Dave'll probably be calling me at like 8:01 p.m. because he couldn't get ahold of me at all last night. Hill was on the phone forever and a day, I swear. Sigh. He's gonna be gripy about that, but geez, it is her phone too, and it's not like we don't tie it up for hours every night I'm in town, so I don't exactly think I have the moral high horsedness to demand she get off the line. But given how I don't really know how I'm going to tell him I'm not ready to move yet, maybe that was a good thing. On the other hand, means I get to tell him tonight... *whimper*

This is another one of those things about a cell phone- on the one hand, if I get a regular one, this won't be a problem. On the other hand, if we're gonna have long chats on the cell phone, then there's zero point in my getting a prepaid phone because I'll use up all the minutes in one night. Gah. What to do, what to do. I'm thinking of stopping by Radio Shack tonight to see what they have, but not buy just yet.

Eek, that's another reason why I won't get anything done tonight- errand doing. Mom yelled at me to go buy relatives Easter cards (I normally don't bother. I'm feeling pretty damn sick of nice sentimental holiday cards), so that pretty much cleaned me out on cash. Plus she yelled at me for not buying this week's train ticket last week and said that meant that I didn't want to come home. Hello, whose idea was it for me to come home Friday night? MINE! I was busy trying to figure out the damn schedule and get the correct tickets last week, while a long line of people piled up behind me. I was busy, dammit! Then she gave me a guilt trip about how I could have gotten cheaper tickets, but it's too late now, whine whine stop it already. I'll go buy the ticket today just because the line to do it on the day of will be pretty bad, but ugh. I'm tired of her leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

Dave got impatient and called early tonight, pretty damn pissed that he didn't get to talk to me. (Apparently he was calling till midnight and she STILL wasn't offline.) He's not having a good day. Didn't get to talk to me, they're doing inventory at work and if the pre-inventory work doesn't get done by Saturday, they all have to work Sunday (NICE), he's got like 8 different relatives at his house and the two children staying there are annoying and/or stalkery... then when he wanted to get out of the house, his mom did a relative guilt trip on him. (Sometimes our families are SO alike...) Fortunately Scott and Demma picked him up and *ahem* their car is gonna break down so he can't come home tonight. Good. He and his mom started fighting while I was on the line, and it was rather scary with the hissing going on. Man, I wouldn't mess with him in that kind of a mood if I were her... 'course, she doesn't have the benefit of being me, either.

Oh, he got his ID back in the mail today (I can't believe mail takes one day to get to him and a week to get to me. The hell?) and it turns out I mailed him the wrong ID. And his mother read the love note that I slipped in. Apparently she thought the lipstick print was cute, but couldn't read my handwriting. (Phew. The advantages of having messy writing!)

Anyway, I think the cell phone problem's been kinda worked out- after the fun of last night he's decided to boot his brother off of the cell plan and put me onto it. He said he could even pay the bill for me when I couldn't manage it after awhile. What a sweetie. He's also decided that getting a car is gonna be his first priority over getting an apartment/house so he can at least go to me. Hey, whatever works. And he finds out tomorrow if he's getting two days off or not, and if he is... whee!

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