Chaos Attraction

The Other Direction

2002-03-30, 9:48 p.m.

It was so weird getting on a train this weekend to NOT see Dave. (His response to this comment later was "You think that's weird, how about forgetting that you weren't coming this weekend and wanting to go to the station to pick you up.") Though I gotta admit that I like the train going to the Bay Area a lot better. Less people, quiet, direct... hell, I could sit there and deal tarot cards to myself on the train.

The results of said tarot cards were (a) prospects for seeing Dave this week suck ass (big surprise, huh? And they were right- he gets one day off this week), (b) I have fears/want to hang on to the past, but I will get a new job, and (c) I should move this year. The last one of course threw me for a loop, but I just can't change right now. Too bad, because it sure seems to promise a lot of happiness. In general, my cards lately have come out with tons of love and happiness, but money problems up the wazoo. Big surprise again.

I gave Mom a big enthusiastic greeting at the station, and she said having a boyfriend must be good for me. We had a nice dinner, all friendly and happy. Yay!

I called Dave when I got home. As well as him only getting one day off, he's probably going to have to work Easter, too. (Oh well, more pay and it gets him away from relatives.) But geez, that seems kind of obnoxious to me to make everyone work on that supposed holiday/day off. He had a funny story about some woman slapping her husband on the butt while in line to make him laugh. Afterwards she was all "Why were you laughing?" Heh.

In other news, so much for the gaming store- the owner screwed the new guy and sold to other people, who immediately closed the store up. Lovely. No more game, at least not until someone finds another late night indoor location.

I finally had to tell him I can't move this year- "I just can't handle it" was about the best I could put it. He took it pretty well, though he's still pondering getting an apartment between our towns. And he wants us to have a mutual bank account (long story why). Which is weird to me, but I kinda see his point, since I'm going to be in charge of the money, I can use his if I need to when out of work again, paying the phone bill, etc.

Today's been worrying- Mom somehow really hurt her back and has been in a lot of pain today- barely walking around. I went with her to the doctor, where they gave her pills. However, Mom still managed to make a detour at Ross and buy me a dress and two pairs of shoes ("Easter present"), so I guess she's not quite so badly off. I also received my birthday present already- a red leather jacket! Very stylish.

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