Chaos Attraction

Attack of the Cleaning Monsters

2002-04-10, 9:14 p.m.

Note to self for the future when Dave comes to visit me again on weekdays: Do NOT leave Dave alone and bored in my bedroom. God only knows what he's gonna do in there.

Dave didn't come to pick me up Tuesday afternoon. I looked around a bit, figured he was home injured (his hip had been bothering him at lunch), and took the bus home. When I walked into my room, I got blinded by the candid camera.

While I'd been at work, Dave and Hill had CLEANED MY ROOM. And by cleaned, I also mean REARRANGED. My dresser had been shoved up against the closet, my desk had moved to the other side of the room, my bed was now wedged into the wall in the far corner, and the rest of the room was literally, an AVALANCHE of my stuff. Apparently the cheap crate thing I'd been using for a bookshelf had collapsed in moving. "You really need to get bookshelves, dear."

They seemed to be quite amused with themselves, and were all laughing at my messiness. I kept hearing comments like "Yeah, that's gonna take her a week to clean up" (Hill) and "You have more stuff under your bed than I do, period. I'm surprised I didn't find a dead animal in there. And what's with all the food?" (Dave). I felt rather ganged up on and resisted the urge to slowly back out of the room and out of the apartment to get away from these scary "neat" people. Hey, I don't comment when Hill goes around leaving dirty clothes all over her floor, or when Dave's got stuff all over the place in his room. They then hauled me to Wal-Mart to go buy bookshelves (two large ones). Dave said if my room ever got that messy again and he saw it, he'd spank me. (Not the er, fun kind, either.) Hey, I'm not that bad, or even this bad. At least I don't dump all my jewelry onto the floor the way they did when "cleaning."

I'm not going to say that it doesn't look nice, but I can't bloody find ANYTHING any more. I can't get into my closet very well and had to pull clothes that had been dumped on the floor out to wear today, Dave tripped over the phone cord and that broke the connector in the wall, so my phone's not hooked up (this morning I gave him my bank card and said "Go get money, then go replace that"), I can't turn off my light from bed any more, my alarm clock can't be plugged in by my head any more and thus I have to climb to the other side of the bed to turn it off, my screen door has now been blocked by my Lazyboy so I can't even open it ("You never use it anyway," Hill said. Yeah, I do- in the SUMMER), I slammed my finger in the dresser drawer this morning because it's become disturbingly loose somehow (my finger still hurts), and the worst one of all? He lost my jury duty notice. I had been saving it for weeks on the top of my desk, along with bus schedules. He put everything on the desk into boxes. I found the schedules in a box, but no notice. I needed that TODAY so I can call in after he leaves and find out if I have to show up. Fortunately the court lady seemed to be used to people losing this stuff and gave up the info promptly. And as it turned out, jury duty for my group was canceled! Phew. As you can imagine, he's been er, sucking up since this came to light, and is now doing good deeds such as trying to install my little Jornada (I haven't been able to get it to work). He's gotten it to work for the most part (yay!), and I'm going to let him take it back home with him so that hopefully he can get online with it or something like that, anyway. We were sitting around playing solitaire on it at lunch. Oh, how I've missed little computer gadgetry! He asked me to fake sick after lunch, but *sigh* I'm just too darn conscientious to do that. Well, that and I want the money I'd be forgoing so I can go up to see him later on. Tempting as hell, though.

I guess the good thing that's come out of all of this is that Dave's now seen every sloppy thing in my room and still doesn't seem to be dissuaded off the marrying path. I'm not sure if that's the most rational decision to make on his part or not...

I won't be seeing him for a few weeks again- we're saving money this weekend, and next weekend I've got Picnic Day (school open house- a big deal for the UCD alums/alum to be in the family, kinda) and relatives to deal with (my parents do the birthday celebration thing for me on that day too). He wanted to try to get that weekend off, but since he just had a lot of time off and I wanted him to get off for Whole Earth Festival (i.e. Davis Hippie Weekend) in May, I told him to skip that one. He probably wouldn't be able to get it off anyway, given the timing and that they've had a lot of time off and he shouldn't be getting so much in the future. We're so going to be cranky in a few weeks, but oh well. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll get two days off again at some point. (That would so rock if that happened on my birthday... but no getting my hopes up for that.)

This has been really nice having him around my place. I'm starting to wonder if it was stupid of me to forego the moving early thing, even if I can make/save up more money working over here for awhile, would be a basket case moving, etc. Especially since it looks like I really won't get to see him much in the future, either...

You see, Jeremy finally got a job, as a security guard. And apparently the place just fired three people and are desperate for employees, and are looking for someone to do part-time night and weekend work. Dave's now considering doing that, mainly because they give you training he could use for other things AND surprise surprise- lord knows I've never heard of any business doing this- they are willing to help Jeremy get a car and license (like pretty much everyone else in the crowd, he doesn't have either) so he can go work out at other places in the area. He says the double job duty would only last for a few months, until his raises start kicking in (at his current job, they give you raises every 3 months) or if this job had better benefits he'd go with that instead. Oh, and he said we should probably see each other only every other weekend or so for awhile so we'll save money.


I can't really deny the logic of it all. He needs to save up some money for a car/new place/etc., and a quick infusion of cash would really help. And yeah, I do end up spending a lot of money when I'm visiting him (mainly because of eating out and hotels and folks hitting me up for money because they're destitute and can't eat that night otherwise) and should keep more of it for when I'm unemployed again. I don't feel like I can really object to stuff like this.

But it SUCKS.

Honestly, my main issue is that this is SO reminding me of dating my high school ex. Oh, the joys of dating people who remind you of other people... HSE was a workaholic who needed to pay his way through college, so he acquired two restaurant jobs. I basically never saw him (in February, the only day I saw him was on Valentine's, and then he ended up being called in to work), he was exhausted all the time, he kept talking about how he really needed to quit one of the jobs- but didn't. By April, we'd broken up because he was too busy to date. (Yes, I'm aware this kind of thing is a big lie, but it sure seemed plausible at the time.) So now I'm totally afraid that I'll never get to see Dave, especially if my only free time to see him is on evenings/weekends and he'll be working then. Shoot, I might as well just stay the hell home all the time then. Plus I know it'll be bloody hard on him to do, and I don't like that either. And going by his reaction to not seeing me for two weeks (i.e. getting really cranky at people, generally kinda miserable), I can't imagine this is really going to go over well with him emotionally either.

I didn't say anything when he told me this. He asked why I was being so quiet, and I said "no comment." He kept trying to get it out of me, and I eventually came out with the above bit about HSE. He said again it would only last a few months. Of course, that's what HSE thought too...


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