Chaos Attraction

Such A Sensitive Girl

2002-04-12, 7:16 p.m.

We had a minor school celebrity in our office today- the RSVP lady. (In other words, the voice of the class registration phone number.) She sounds different in person- faster speaking. Then again, I'm hearing her in person and not on tape. She says it all pretty smoothly, only one or two tries. (Lord knows any time I try to record a message I screw it up four times and stumble about.) I walked by that cubicle and peeked in at her. My coworker and I were joking "Can I touch you?"

Someone nicely informed me today of a rumor about hiring people in July. Boy, I hope that this comes true. That would be great timing, and I might have an advantage in getting hired. For some reason I've had this feeling for awhile that getting hired here again isn't going to be particularly hard or slow to do, and that I may even be employed this summer. Maybe this is why I keep having that feeling? Time to go recheck that last tarot layout I did...

I am so tired of my body being all sensitive. I swear, the slightest bit of abrasion from doing something like WALKING, and something goes ballistic. For example, now that it's finally nearing the summer season, I've been trying to break out the sandals (you cannot force me into wearing socks and real shoes during the summer- I hate socks and will do whatever I can to avoid them if possible)- and of course, since they're all new ones, my feet are going insane. I can't walk across campus for ten minutes without my pinky toes immediately developing blisters and turning bright red, and sometimes the tops of my feet getting sore, or getting big heel blisters from the straps or something. Like today I'm wearing high-heeled sandals and a dress that I got for Easter, and when I walked from the bus to my office, my feet were fine. I walked from my office to the nearest restaurant (about a 5-7 minute walk), and by the time I'm heading back my feet are in pain. I took the sandals off when I got back and saw that my pinky toes looked like mashed hamburger meat! Between that and losing my salad all over my lap, floor and keyboard at lunch (damn plastic popping containers just lead to explosions), I feel like such a mess. Good thing I'm not traveling today, huh?

Honestly, there is just NO excuse for my feet to do that sort of thing. I did ballet for ten years, wore toe shoes for years, did modern dance BAREFOOT for a few years, and MY FEET SHOULD BE TOUGH BY NOW. They should be nicely calloused and allow me to walk around in sandals without needing Band-Aids in ten minutes, for crying out loud! I don't want to have to trash another pair of brand new shoes because my feet hurt so bad when I walk in them (and I just can't tell from pacing back and forth for a foot or two in the store if they're going to hurt on the street, especially when the shoes are tied together), but these may have to go if my feet don't somehow get used to them. Crap.

I am thinking about that journal of letters to me that Dave's doing. I'm kinda tempted to start doing something like that for him back- like if I did a paper journal or a typed one (to spare him the bad handwriting) on my computer, or write him e-mailed stuff if he can get my Jornada to go online because then he could see it more than once every few months. Or, well... I could mention this one. I don't know how I feel about that, still. I don't think he'd be like my ex was about it, but on the other hand, it's already more of a journal for other people- fill in the online buddies about what's going on in my life, that kind of thing. If I do one for him, it'll probably be more like random thoughts I had during the day or something, since I tell him the few events that go on here on the phone every night. Maybe he'll be amused if I go on about how I think my life could be a well-done TV show, with plot and everything (which I thought about for a good 20 minutes today), or go on about the ducks having sex, or any other random flotsam that floats on through but I don't think is all that appropriate for the online public journal. (And um, mushy stuff too, of course.)

Huh. I wonder if I'll hear from him tonight. Unlike me (I'll be hanging around with Hill and Hill's best friend and her fiance while they barbecue), he can find something to do on a Friday evening there. I'm sure I'll hear from him at some points during the weekend, I'm just wondering.

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