Chaos Attraction

So Much For May

2002-04-16, 7:36 p.m.

Dave's not going to like this.

Here's how my weekends in May are going to go, as I found out just now:

*Mother's Day Weekend: Whole Earth Festival here, which I asked Dave to try to get off for. Mom has now decided that she wants to come to it. Which works for me given that's her birthday weekend too, even if she claimed that I've never invited her to it before. I know I have, but given that it's REALLY hippie weekend (i.e. pot on the quad), I've always been slightly relieved that for whatever reason at the time, they didn't go. However, Mom said "Well, I grew up during that time," so okay, Mom. If Dave can get it off, that'll work out nicely. If he can't, well, so much for seeing him that weekend (sigh).

* Weekend after that: An old friend from the public school days that I haven't seen in ages, Rose, is having a "wedding celebration" out by our house that weekend. Apparently she married a military boy in December when they figured he'd be shipped out, and now that he hasn't been, they'll throw the party on their previously picked "wedding" day anyway. I haven't seen her in years (she went to college back East), but our moms still chat, so I would like to go. It'll be interesting to see how things have gone for her. The family's been invited, but no date, and at any rate, Dave wouldn't be able to get the day off, so it doesn't matter.

* Memorial Weekend (note: 3-day weekend) and the weekend after that: Guess what- Grandma's gonna be in town for two weeks. And Mom says I HAVE to come home for the weekends she's here. Plus the baby cousin's getting christened (oh joy, another one inducted into the damn Catholic church) the weekend after Memorial. Mom is obviously not looking forward to her visit, as since Dad got sick Grandma has been an enormous weeping basket case. Or as Mom put it, "She's going to make your father feel like crap, and he doesn't need that." However, since I'm the favorite grandchild... I have no choice but to go.

I was stupid enough to tell Mom that I was kinda planning on visiting him for the 3 days already and she said you hardly ever see your grandma and she'll be devastated if she doesn't see you the whole time and you see him all the time anyway and I thought you weren't going to see him so much and you really need to save the money, blah blah blah. Oh, and "yeah, we know where YOUR priorities are, and they're not us." (What, like you never noticed this before?) I was so tempted to yell at her "Well, he's going to BE part of the family, so you'd better get used to it!", but that would have been the WORST possible timing, considering her going on about how I'd only known him a short time. She probably would have driven up here and killed me on the spot. Honestly, the way she's acting, I'm thinking the time to tell the family should be around Christmas. Ah, wouldn't THAT be a special kind of hell? But since Dad's side has always thought I'd get a Christmas proposal for some reason (turned out it was the wrong holiday, folks), I might as well have to deal with them all at once... Of course, this is just speculation right now, I have no idea when the hell to tell them. Plus I haven't even asked Dave about it yet, he might have an opinion :P

Yes, I know all of that stuff, Mom. I just don't like how long the duration's going to be between visits now (hell, I'm not liking how this stint is going right now), I'm bummed at losing the three-day weekend when no more are going to be coming up, and honestly, I love Grandma, but the weeping basket case thing fries me. The last time we visited her in Montana we ALL wanted to go back home after an hour. I don't mind seeing her on the last weekend, but dammit, I had other plans that didn't involve anyone crying their eyes out for the whole three days!

Oh, the hell. I knew I couldn't get out of it, really, but damn, I thought she was coming in JUNE, not May.

    Update: post phone-call. Well, he took it pretty well, actually (he understands, family crap), but he wanted to go to the wedding. Of course, given the timing that can't happen. The place is adamant about having people work on weekends pretty much all the time, unless you have a major excuse. (Jeremy apparently will not be hired by the place if he doesn't agree to work weekends, which he said he couldn't do on the application because of the other job. Boss said if you don't work weekends, you're not hired. Dave said he'd talk to him.) I guess he'll have to beg for some weekdays off during that period- apparently he plans to tell the boss we have to do wedding plans. (Though it's looking like he's not going to get off for my birthday- sounds like the boss is reluctant. Drat.) Honestly, it sounds like most of the time they just REALLY don't like having to deal with anyone who needs specific days off. I can understand to some degree why getting weekends off is a pain, but it shouldn't have to require making up some enormous lie about major life events or emergencies to get the time off, I think. (Not that anyone cares about my opinion!) And why on earth is it such a pain to schedule two specific weekdays off in a row? I guess the less specific you are, the more likely you are to get it, but I just don't get why it's so difficult for them. "God, can't you just deal with whatever it is on the two scattered days a week we give you?" Gah. The whole "we have to do wedding plans" thing is ironic, given that we have zero wedding plans beyond "live in the same town sometime after Sept. 2003" set... maybe I should go out and buy one of those wedding planner books (and then HIDE IT) or something. I actually ordered What No One Tells The Bride off Amazon a few weeks ago, and I have been impatiently waiting for it to arrive ever since. According to the Amazon page (which is on crack), it's been in Davis since Saturday, yet scheduled delivery isn't until Thursday at the earliest. I'm so annoyed with them anyway- the USPS web site no longer tells you diddlysquat about where your package is like it used to, and as for Amazon's page, it has alternately claimed my book is in Davis or Fernley, Nevada. If you look in the a.m., it's been in Davis since Saturday, if you look in the afternoon, it's never left Nevada. The hell? I really wish that I could find some books I want in my own damn local bookstores for a change so I didn't have to take three weeks to get it from online retail. We have how many books in this town and I couldn't find it here? Now really...

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