Chaos Attraction

Dress Me Up In Your Love

2002-05-15, 7:42 p.m.

Well, looks like Dave's feeling well enough to visit me after all- yay to that. And apparently there's something else he'd like to do that weekend beyond seeing Star Wars 2- he wants me to pick him out some clothes.

Huh? What do I know about guy's clothes? Despite having a degree in clothing design, we didn't do a whole lot in that realm when you weren't a guy. In one class we had to design clothes for men. One, folks. And I tried to design a coat for the ex once based off of one he had, but the original's ENORMOUS shoulder pads made that way too difficult. Another ex had a mom who was a seamstress and occasionally I'd hear out of him stuff about single breasted vs. double. I really just have no idea.

However, Dave's all like "My wardrobe is scroungy, I need new clothes, I've seen your wardrobe, you have better taste than I do, I wanna go shopping." Oy. Doesn't help much that there's about two men's clothing stores in this town- the dinky department store and the nice men's store I went in once. This'll be weird.

Hm. I forgot that Cyclebration (the town's bike day- okay, every day is bike day around here, really) is on Sunday, and they'll have weird bikes abounding. I should ask him if he wants to go to that. I had to cover it for the last two years and after the first it got boring, but maybe he'd want to see it.

We did have an amusing clothing conversation about how in high school he wore a lot of Hammer pants and camo and basically anything with enormous pockets. One pair of Hammer pants had a pocket so big it went the entire length of the leg and he put a baseball bat in it. And yes, someone said "Is that a baseball bat in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Apparently he'd stash an enormous amount of stuff in said pockets (multiple books, multiple playing cards, multiple CD players, etc., etc.) and people would crack up when he started taking stuff out. He went to school dressed normally on Halloween and won an award.

He just cracks me up, I swear =) Lord, it'll be interesting having him around Dad's side of the family when the time comes...

Oh, and by the way, he's decided on a wedding date he wants- something that means something to us instead of an arbitrary date someone else decided was important- the day we met, Feb. 2. Not that I don't appreciate the sentiment, and I'd like that to be the other anniversary too- but I really don't want to get married before I'm out of this apartment, and Feb. 2 is on a Monday in 2004. Won't work unless we elope. Pooh.

For those who remember my entry where I mentioned the "I found it" people, there was an article in the Aggie about it. I'm quite amused at how it starts out with people still not knowing what the heck it was and how it looked like a selling thing. However, I about gagged at the chick who said that "one of the common misconceptions is that there is more than one way to have a relationship with God." NO, you must follow our rules, everyone else is wrong! I can't stand that kind of attitude. And I'm not even going to get into how the reporter misspelled principles and didn't notice.

Then coincidentally today I found this piece on how evangelism is much like bad marketing these days and how it completely turns people off to Jesus Christ. Amen to that. (Which reminds me: I saw two English profs had stuck AMEN signs in their windows today. Why?) The entire ifoundit campaign smacked of dotcom advertising, and you'll notice that they don't even say what "it" was until almost the day of the big event. Why? Because if most of us hear "Jesus Christ" we immediately turn off. And at any rate, I doubt a lot of people were THAT curious to find out what "it" was.

Stuff I've Done For The Interview:

(a) E-mailed references and boss about it

(b) Picked and ironed outfit

(c) Updated reference list

Stuff I Still Need To Do:

(a) Print out resume and references on nice paper

(b) Reread job hunting books for interview question tips

(c) See if Hill can redye my roots before the big day. This may be dicey, given her work schedule and midterms. (Possibly Sunday night, she says.)

Although I have the feeling that I just won't be getting most of the second list done this week... I've spent today after work (a) going to WalMart and buying work-appropriate summer clothes, (b) eating, and (c) freaking out that the computer might have died. (I really need to print soon just in case it does.) Then I'll have to spend at least an hour on the phone with Mom begging her to let me come home a few hours early on Memorial Day to help Hill shop for a graduation dress, then call Dave about weekend stuff. And Hill, when she gets home, will be bugging me to watch Breakfast Club with her. I won't be getting a thing done (hence why this entry's being written while I eat). And I still need to watch my tape of the latest Buffy and I got another tape of the Osbournes to boot, since I won't get to it while Dave's around.

Tarot readings for the job situation are interesting. I asked how the interview would go and got three very positive recognition/get money cards and three stagnation/deception/things might not work out cards. The hell? I also did one asking if I'd get a job in the next two months and it was VERY favorable, happy recognition and money galore. Whee!

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