Chaos Attraction

Ambushed Again

2002-05-19, 7:39 p.m.

Good thing I posted Friday's entry when I did, because, well... it happened again.

So on Friday night, around 9:30 or so, I'm sitting home alone, and crazies have been screeching up and down the street for a couple of hours now. And someone starts knocking at the door. Repeatedly. I'm thinking "Oh shit, the crazies have come for me!" My apartment is at the front of the complex and it's very easy to see when someone's home, so we tend to get the salespeople and religious converter types first. Anyway, the phone rings and it's Dave calling to say that someone committed suicide via train upon leaving Stockton (and yes, this apparently happens fairly often, so I wasn't utterly surprised to hear it) and he wouldn't be getting in until around 1. I'm all "That figures," and then go on griping about the crazies knocking at the door. Of course it was him and Scott and Demma (the latter two were heading up to visit his mother the next day, and ended up leaving before the two of us got up).

It was a lovely weekend, with no work and no relatives to interrupt things. We mostly lounged around, with excursions to the movies and Chinese food. And for some freakish reason it started raining on Sunday, so we didn't go to Cyclebration after all. Phew.

I don't know why Dave's been freaking when I've told people this story, but I think it's hilarious. When we went out for Chinese, we got seated by this one chick who groped Dave's butt on the way over. Honestly, this cracks me up no end that she'd do such a thing in front of me. What balls! No brains, but taste in men and balls! So I kept cracking up every time she came over, etc.

Anyway, we saw Star Wars 2 after that. And... (insert drumroll here) we liked it. Honestly, big improvement (IMO) from the last one. Gorgeous visuals, nice action scenes, Natalie Portman (except at the start where she's got some fugly batwing hair- and people complained about the doughnuts on Leia?) has gorgeous outfits, and Yoda with a lightsaber and looking pissed off is just so darn cute! While I'm a bit iffy about Hayden's acting (sometimes good, sometimes kinda stiff, but he sure pulls off a pissy 18 well) and really think that Obi-Wan should be able to figure out where that missing planet is because even I could do that, I am pleased that at least Obi-Wan tries to pull off a little snark, even if it's less in the lines of snappy repeatable out-of-context phrases and more amusing given whatever situation he's in. It's long, but it's a vast improvement.

Oh, want to hear something ironic? I did the mandatory phone call to Mom last night, and it turns out I could have brought Dave to the wedding after all. She apologized left and right about it. Gah! Anyway, Rose made a beautiful bride and had four bridesmaids and a long train and whatnot, which Mom seemed to be impressed by. I'm still wondering what her reaction'll be. Oh, and apparently my aunt and uncle are big cheapskates, as my aunt had a big cow about not getting her 10 percent off senior discount on $5 worth of food. When Mom said "Oh, big deal," to my aunt's whining, she came out with "But it pays for the tax!" Right. It pays for what, 50 cents of your total? Oh, and my uncle and cousin that are going to pick up Grandma and Grandpa refuse to get a hotel room or let anyone out of the car other than for potty breaks and gas- they're making them sleep in the car. Niiiice. Or as Mom put it, "They're not going to be able to get them OUT of the car later."

The boy being around has naturally distracted me from job interview preparation, especially since he's got Monday off too. We'll see how this goes.

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