Chaos Attraction

Getting ... Intimate... With A Hand Truck

2002-05-22, 8:00 p.m.

Now that we've had our evil fun, back to the current installment of Jennifer's Dull Weekday Life...

Oh, the irony. Hill had basically given up on me getting to go home early on Memorial Day- said she'd just go shopping with Kendra- and Mom called last night to say that they'd take me back here Sunday night. Hill is happy. Too bad I can't somehow finagle a way into seeing Dave then too. Even more ironic is that he has Sunday and Monday off, and I can't even be there long enough for it to be worthwhile to make the trip. Oh well, his mother will be delighted that she can make him do chores for those two days.

I managed to figure out upon lease perusal last night that it looks like so long as you've told the management and they agree and you sign papers and pay a deposit, you can have "pets." I assume this means beyond cat-type pets, so yay. Maybe I won't have to move at all whatsoever next year... even though I do wonder if Yoda (that's Dave's dog, if I haven't mentioned her name before) is going to be okay with having to poop on the patio and be taken for walks all the time instead of her running around a full backyard.

I think I'm pissed at Demma. Apparently she's been telling Dave that when I'm drunk I get horny and go chase guys. The HELL? For one thing, she's seen me in person at a party ONCE- my 21st, where she claimed I was coming on to guys- where (a) I'd had about 1-2 drinks tops and (b) wasn't drunk, not to mention that (c) the only boy I was chasing was my boyfriend so we could stop him from chugging more beer. He finished out the night by breaking and barfing out a window, then having to be put to bed at 10 p.m. I found it hilarious that it was MY 21st and he was drunker than I was. There was one party I was er, horny at (which ended with me and the ex fooling around), but she wasn't at that one. I don't know what the hell she's talking about, but I wish people would stop feeding Dave all these "Jen's really fun when drunk" stories and giving him ideas. I swear, every weekend he talks about getting me drunk (not that we've done it yet).

Here's an amusing story for you: Dave had a safety meeting to go to last night (I told him after all the times he's dropped something or had something fall on him, he needs it), and they all got to hear a lovely story about how some guy was told to get something from a high shelf. He (a) was in a really bad mood at the time, (b) used the wrong kind of ladder- i.e. the stuff the store sells instead of the Approved Safety Ladder(TM), (c) didn't tie himself to anything for safety either, and (d) was doing this right above some hand truck that had a handle sticking out from it on top. The results of this were almost Darwin Award-worthy. Dude of course fell down and landed right on that handle. Which went through his clothes and landed straight up his... well, to quote Dave, "he got buttraped by a hand truck." He laid there like that for a half hour before anyone found him. Even then he hadn't realized the er, magnitude of what happened- he asked someone to remove his wallet in his pocket for him because he landed on it and it hurt, then wondered why it still hurt.

Dave did finally get his health stuff over the weekend, so him trying to get an appointment will be forthcoming. I'm nervous.

Good news for me- found out today that our positions have been "extended" until July 31. Which is a month later than I've heard before, and is a month past when the money's supposed to run out, but I guess we're supposed to sign the okay on that for bureaucratic reasons of some sort. Anyway, I am relieved that this month won't be the end of my paycheck. This most likely rules me out of the job I applied for, but I don't even mind right now. I'm glad the pay will still be coming in for awhile, because I can sure use it! I'm so not good at being poor and saving money in some respects- hell, I have to eat and pay bills, even if I don't go anywhere.

When I got home, I found a message about the job on my machine to call tomorrow. Since she knows I don't have access to a phone during 9-4 (when she's in), I'm wondering why on earth she chose to call me at home? Gah. Probably because etiquette-wise there must be something about how you can't reject via e-mail. Guess they decided pretty quickly, I figured I wouldn't get the no till Friday. I'm guessing she hadn't gotten my e-mail yet about this job being extended, somehow. Oh well, bite the bullet and use a pay phone to get the news tomorrow, I guess.

Oh, and I finally got around to doing a tarot card reading about it- using the Gypsy Wish spread, which tells you if you get your wish or not. I used it on the job I have now, with accurate results. Anyway, this time I got stuff about delays in receiving good news, moving towards my goal, wisdom disregarded, new good change in life, Magician reversed (AGAIN!), self-actualization, moving ahead in career, psychic intuition, happiness and success, new job offer... AND the nine of cards reversed. If you get that card face up, you get your wish, if you get it reversed, you don't. Given that that card came up in the "what will happen" section... well, confirms my intuition here, doesn't it? Kinda confusing with the other stuff sprinkled in, though.

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