Chaos Attraction

No Pride

2022-06-04, 10:05 p.m.

recently on Chaos Attraction
Another Entry With No Interesting Title - 2022-06-09
Fifty Percent, Or Any Percent - 2022-06-08
Optimism - 2022-06-07
Embrace Your Weird - 2022-06-06
I Wish I Knew - 2022-06-05


Cast list as of November 2019

Today: hung out with Rae. Went to Farmers Market to say hi to Ashley at work (had some amusing yarn conversations with her supervisor), then went to Panera for lunch, shopping at Boheme (I got rainbow pants and the vest I was eyeing a few weeks ago, it's still there), and otherwise wandering around town shopping and getting drinks and whatever. Then we hung out at her house for awhile listening to music. I think we both got bored around 3:30 and I headed on home but hit the library first because I had a feeling a book I wanted was there (it was). Not that I need new library books when I just bought like...five books this week?

It's a weird weather day today. Cloudy, humid, vaguely sprinkling off and on. Feel like my energy is down the toilet, like seriously I went to go read in bed when I got home. My plan for the day was to go read/craft on the patio, but I dunno about that one now. Tomorrow it's predicted to rain? In JUNE?!?! The hell? I should use this to go clean things at home, but fuck cleaning, I don't wanna.

In other news, Dawn is doing well today. Tried to ask (Redhead) Sarah to hang out but of course we are never free at the same time, sigh.

Ashley and Rae keep asking if I'm going to Pride and um, no. I went years ago, got forced to out myself as straight*, and felt so fucking bad about the woman who asked why I wasn't on the dykes mailing list's reaction to that that I will never go again. Clearly it's not right for straight people to invade their space*, I get that, and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings with my existence/presence. (I won't be going to Juneteenth obviously either.) Usually when people ask about me going to Pride I hedge, say I'm busy (which is true anyway this year), blah de blah, but they both pushed it enough that I had to say openly it's not okay for straights to go. SIGH. As someone who's a public weirdo and runs around in rainbow outfits, I'm disappointed I'm not bi too, folks. I can't help but wonder if I'd have better options for dating out there if I just had any desire to go down on a lady--but then again, I was reading some article about how most bi people end up dating heterosexually because the odds are just plain better of finding someone of the opposite gender. So I guess not?

* Ironically, I was there for work at the time, NOT just to be a shitty invader or whatever.

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