Chaos Attraction

More Heart Stuff

2022-06-16, 7:48 p.m.

Work: not quite as draining in-office/emails today as yesterday, at least. I managed to salvage myself and others from an hours long tedious project because someone was all "Fix my 400+ spreadsheet!" and I was all "lemme speed read proofread that" and there were only like, FOUR errors on the darned thing, come onnnnnnnn. My new coworker started doing office letters oh, yesterday, and is already sick of doing office letters, and I was all, "these have only begun, my young padawan, this will literally go on until August," and people are hounding the shit out of me already to have them done immediately, and I am all "can't do that, depends on when the other office approves it, no, I don't know when that is, we'll do it as soon as we can, please stop harassing me already." Not that anyone will, of course.
I got an email from an outside organization asking me to hook them up with my "counterparts" at the other Giant Orgs, to which I was all "lol, I don't know any, seriously, we don't work together at all," but the good news for them is that all the other ones don't have the stoopid problems we do, so they can probably get around the stuff we have to deal with.

I got what is presumably my last work covid test today (well, I could get one next week, but that's the last date), which felt weird. End of an era or something. I also walked around trying to memorize the table speech, which is getting a little better.

I found another heart object--in a Free box, a heart shaped ornament thing with Brad and Jen's pictures in it. How old is this thing?! I also found a bag marked "senior cat food," which sadly makes me suspect a cat died.

After work, I dragged arse to the Dollar Store and Grocery Outlet and really didn't find much of anything to "share" with hippies that didn't require refrigeration. I kinda don't want to bring stuff in a cooler and drive around for hours, especially when I have no idea how it's gonna last after 3.5 hours of driving, and while Grocery Outlet is cheap, the goods are odd, so who the hell knows. Now I am too tired to do shit and I still have to pack tonight AND work on murder mystery stuff because I did finally figure out how to download the script for the show I'm doing.

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