Chaos Attraction

Cough Cough, Hack Hack

2002-07-11, 1:53 p.m.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been a lot sicker than I thought I was.

Went to Dave's for the weekend of the 4th, and truth be told, I probably shouldn't have. Had to take two busses to get to the Amtrak station, and in between the arrival of the first bus and the departure of the second, I made the mistake of walking around campus looking for ANYWHERE that would sell bottled liquid of any kind. There was one lone vending machine, and it was sold out. This utterly drained my teeny bit of energy remaining, which was Not A Good Idea. When I got in line at the station to get my tickets, I was too weak to stand up in line and had to sit on the floor. Adding to the fun, the bus got stuck in traffic, so we waited around for some rental van that never showed, and we eventually got to Sac via train that was going by. Naturally, the train was even later than usual too. And Mom called to bitch me out about going. I did not have the strength to deal with this shit.

Once there, with the exception of the 4th when I watched Dave set off fireworks in the street (actually pretty cool), I spent most of the four days lying in bed and coughing a lot. Dave got me food and beverages and took good care of me, he was so sweet. And he wouldn't let me sleep in the guest bedroom like I'm "supposed to" there because he wanted to be able to check on me, and his grandma had no objections to this. (Presumably because I was obviously too sick to get up to anything.)

Thing is, though, usually when I get sick, I start to improve in a week. And, well, I wasn't improving at all by Saturday. This was freaking me out, so we went to the emergency room again Sunday. There isn't one I could go to here that would take my insurance, and lord knows getting an appointment would take forever. After like 5 hours of waiting, I got diagnosed with bronchitis. Good lord, it's awful. They prescribed me an inhaler and antibiotics, but... guess what, they had no pharmacy that I could get these things at! Lovely, just lovely.

I had been pretty much terrified of going home late Sunday night by myself. Once I get into town, I have a 15 minute walk home alone, with no possibility of a ride. And I knew damn well that I didn't have the strength to make it. What the hell was I going to do? Dave tried to swap with someone to get Monday off so he could accompany me home, but everyone with that day off had other crises going on, and when his parents heard about this plan they both said a big fat no to it anyway. This turned out not to be a problem, though. Since the last few times we'd gotten to the station on time and the train didn't show until around 10, Dave and his dad thought it'd be a great idea to call the Amtrak hotline and see how late the train would be. Suffice it to say that the train was more on time than the Amtrak recording said it was, and I missed it. (Dave's mom: "Every time they get the idea to do that, the person misses their train. I had a feeling this was going to happen.") You can imagine my mom's reaction to this...oh well, I was going to have to call in sick again on Monday anyway just so I could get the damn prescription filled.

Got back into town Monday morning, when I could take two busses home. That completely wiped me out to the point where I started crying when I got home. (Note to self: Do NOT cry when you have bronchitis. You're already gasping and choking for breath as is.) However, I still had to go take two busses out to the HMO to get the prescription filled. They gave me shit about it and said they normally wouldn't fulfill someone else's prescription, but since it was an emergency... They charged me double the usual for it, but oh well, at least I got my damn drugs.

Mom yelled at me for going for the weekend when I should have been home resting- and then asked if I wanted to come home for this next weekend. Oh brother. She finally apologized for being a bitch, though- Auntie D's got an eternal hate for Mom now and was bitching at her at dinner over the weekend.

On Tuesday, I felt like I had to go back to work again. I knew I'd used up my sick days for the month (I love how they have sick days per MONTH here, not "five all year long, and otherwise you're fucked" like everyone else), so I figured I was stuck. I COUGHED every other minute all day long, so hard my chest hurt and I couldn't have a conversation. People kept asking if I felt better and I said no. Oddly enough, I got a ton of work done though...

On Wednesday we had a staff meeting (I thought "Oh, great, I'm gonna cough through the whole thing and everyone's gonna notice") and one of the admin people said I looked very pale and between that and the coughing and etc., I should really go home. She checked things out for me and said that while I wouldn't get paid for being out, they'd MUCH rather I stay home until I was better, and I would NOT get fired for being sick. When multiple people tell you to go home within about five minutes, well... I left.

Dad was a fucking asshole about it, though. He immediately sent me a pissy e-mail telling me that no matter what they'd told me, they really thought I was being a slacker. I forwarded this to Mom and then later when she made me talk to him on the phone, coughed the entire time. He shut up right quick.

I did finally start feeling better yesterday, though. Maybe the drugs are kicking in. Hill took me to the grocery store and I managed to walk around the entire place without feeling weak and needing to sit down immediately. Yay me. And the coughing hasn't been as bad the last couple of days. Maybe I'll be better by the end of the week? Hopefully before my follow-up doctor visit Monday.

I'm staying home this weekend, though. I refuse to travel again while I feel like this and go through all that shit again. He can come to me if he gets any time off in a row (probably not), but I seem to be having some BAD weekends when I'm going there lately, and I need a break.

I'm wondering which of us is having it worse, me or my Sim. Dave's house-sitting at S&D's on his day off today and he said that our Sims started having sex. Sounds like they were enjoying the act, but afterwards they got into a fight and he hit her (I so don't approve of this, Dave just thinks the Sim creators are weird), and then she asked him if he wanted to have a baby! So then they produced Dave III, but he apparently wanted WAY too much attention than Dave wanted to pay to him, so CPS took the baby away.

And Dave thinks it's a good idea to have kids someday? I think perhaps not...

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