Chaos Attraction

Sucks to be You

2002-07-15, 10:03 p.m.

Poor Dave.

So much is sucking for him right now.

He saw the apartment that J&N picked out today. It is bad. It is tiny. It has holes. He thinks that any baby or dog that would end up in it would have a short life span. He doesn't want to eat anything that's been cooked in that kitchen. It certainly doesn't look like it'll be habitable by Friday... or next Friday...

Suffice it to say that Dave really, really, really, really, really does not want to move into this place. Can't fit anything in it, and it seems to scare him. Hell, the description of it is scaring me. I don't want to go there.

Jeremy also chose today to spring it on Dave that if he doesn't move in with them, they literally have nowhere else to go and can't afford to live anywhere. They have been kicked out of all of their relatives' places (except for the one where they're wanted back for their money, of course) and are about to get kicked out of another. I cannot believe the assholes who would kick someone that's pregnant out. Jeremy's side is a bunch of very religious... well, I won't say what's coming to my mind there, but I don't think they act real Christian. (They got kicked out of his grandparents' house for role-playing, because that brings demons into the house or something.) I haven't the faintest why Nikki's mom acts the way she does.

So of course, Dave feels too guilty to back out on them for this.

Of course, there's the dog issue. He knows he can't take her there, she's going to be pretty much ignored at that house, she's really pinning him down as to where to live either way, he loves her but doesn't bloody know what to do about her.

Adding to the fun, he's got his first doctor's appointment in four years tomorrow and is petrified about that, that they're going to tell him something horrible will have to be done to him. Since he's been not at all good about taking his medication and they've told him this is a very bad thing that can lead to ugly consequences... well, he has good reason to be petrified.

I just did not know what to say to him. There was not a damn thing I could do over the phone, except say "I'm sorry" a billion times, like that helps. He wanted me there and I couldn't be. And it's only Monday. I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to go there this weekend (hell, where would I stay?), but he REALLY needs to see me. Everything else in his life is going to hell. Everything else. I know how that feeling is, and I don't want to leave him alone like that.

God, compared to what's going on with him, I have had a princess life.

I don't know where he is right now. He seemed to be feeling like he wanted to go break stuff. He said something about going to the bowling alley. He may call me back later, maybe not. I'm not sure if I want him to call me back or not. Not like I can do any good.

I've been tempted to call up Scott and Demma tonight and tell them to go pick him up and get him out of there right now, I don't CARE if she's got class or feels too sick or whatever other shit they have going on at this moment in time. But with the way the odds are going tonight, they're probably not home or have enough crises of their own to deal with, so why waste my time trying.

I could just cry for him right now.

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