Chaos Attraction

Catty Commentary

2022-08-15, 8:11 p.m.

Work today: in office day. Did the mail. Went down a rabbit hole from hell in which I had to proofread some stuff and then saw that presumably a lot of misspellings weren't corrected, then upon checking through the submitted list, there were only about three of them that were and I could just add them onto the corrected list from last week because they still haven't started on it yet. Whew.
Then I got a pissy email (and voicemail, but I didn't bother to check that one after I finished writing the response email) from a Military Guy who is all pissy about his kid being denied for something due to wisdom teeth surgery timing (seriously). He wanted to talk to me PERSONALLY. To which I was all "here is the contact information of the people you actually want to talk to, I am a peon, I decide nothing." Frankly, it looks like timingwise he'll probably get what he wants in time anyway, they're just demanding it NOW for something happening in March, sheesh.
Glad I do not have to see Scott for a few days. Only Wednesday this week and otherwise, fuck it.

Cameron sent another short note saying she'd write more "gossip" soon. Hmmmmm. Let's see if that happens...

Rehearsal: did "Belle" and then most of us got to leave at 9, which was nice. (Steve: "Early night. Don't get used to it.") Mostly it was a bunch of milling around, pretending to do things, circling the stage, wondering where we were supposed to be going. About four people were missing, which makes it hard during Belle when you're supposed to be yelling out various lines. (Also, Elissa does the line before Alisa and I do and I can barely catch it. Speak up!) For a song that I've heard for decades, we were all kinda mumbling/flubbing during the walk-around bits for that reason, alas. I asked Steve to fill in where people were missing and he was all "I don't know what those are." (Um...didn't you write that in the script? Didn't say that though.)

Alisa volunteered to hold a giant stick of candles (Ryan also volunteered, but can't) and then wondered what the heck that was going to be like and what she was supposed to do with them all night. Good point. We're supposed to be like, walking around and shopping and making catty commentary. Steve keeps yelling "don't talk on stage," but do y'all know how many conversations I've had with him onstage during shows? LOLright. So we're entertaining ourselves by talking about how tacky the Silly Girls are, how slim the male pickings are in the town, and Lefou is gay. It's especially funny how Rachele has to be nice as the bookseller and then comes over to us to be catty. "I know, Steve told me to do that. It seems bipolar."

Quotes: Ryan: "I forgot my script, so it's an off book day. I had it out while I was practicing. Why else would I have it out?"

Steve: "I'm so pissed Katrina can't drive here from Germany...I said "no surprise trips to Europe for two weeks and hers is only 10 days."

Eve and I said we were helping load the carts out by just um, following other people doing this. She also said she does the THINK method of set building.

Steve to the silly girls: "You don't like anyone else except him." Me: "Just like the rest of us."

Julia: "So, Steve, you're okay with me getting shunned?"

Annie wanted to be a sheep watching Belle read, like in the movie.

Sierra: "Can I piggy back on him?" Steve: "No."

Steve said we all have to hold baskets (except Alisa). "Your baskets are going up and down. And I'm sure other things are going up and down." Later to the Silly Girls asking if they should wear their blouses down one shoulder: "And I do want the boobies....Let's rephrase that."

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